Hi Ashish,

I don't know if you can install the .Net prequisite in an MSI, however I can 
tell you that all of your needs are what burn is for.  You will also run into 
problems if your MSI is run on a Windows 7 machine with UAC enabled, whereas if 
you use burn, it will elevate your MSI for you if necessary. 

That being said, you can make a Bootstrapper application without a ui, and burn 
will not 'auto-install' .Net without user consent.  If you compile your BA for 
.Net 3.5, burn will prompt the user to install .Net before proceeding.  You can 
also use your MSI's UI as well, and include the MSI instead of your 
bootstrapper in ADD/Remove programs.  

There are several resources out there on building bootstrapper applications, 
here are a couple:




-----Original Message-----
From: ashish thomas [mailto:ashishptho...@yahoo.co.in] 
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 12:30 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net; wix-d...@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] .Net installation using Wix

Hi ,
I have the following requirement

 I need to develop an installer using Wix . I need to check whether .Net 3.5 
SP1 is installed or not and if the prerequisite is not met, must show a 
messagebox(dialog) to the user  telling that it is not installed - Do you wish 
to continue the install .Net, Once the user click OK, must install the .Net 3.5 
 and then continue with the rest of the installation.( My .Net MSI is 

Following are my questions?
 a) Is it possible to implement the same in Wix with out using 
Burn(Bootstrapper)? If yes , how?
b) I can check whether for the .Net prerequisites from Wix MSI and can fail the 
installation if condition is not met. But cant continue with the installation 
of .Net.
c) I tried installing .Net component by invoking a custom action writen in C++ 
. But this approach doesnt seem to work since we having multiple MSIs running 
at the same time(Main MSI and the .Net MSI)  and the .Net installation fails .

d) I tried using EmbeddedChainer Element in Wix. I have specified the .Net 
installer as the filesource. This approach also fails since multiple MSI 
instances are running.

I know i can achieve the functionality using Burn - but following are the 
issues i found with Burn approach
a) I need to double click an exe which internally invokes MSI whereas my 
requirement is very specific that starting point must be an MSI file.
b) As far as I know, we cant create a Burn bootstrapper application without a 
UI. c)Using Burn- if prerequisites are not met, it will straight away install 
.Net componet without user consent. 

Any suggestions are welcome. I am finding it very difficult to solve the 
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