I would like to create a log file in the Windows EventLog with numerous 
EventLog Sources.
There is this wonderful feature in Wix that lets me do just that: the 
EventSource element in the WixUtilExtension dll.
One thing that is missing from this element is the ability to change the 
default properties of the EventLog which is created with such an element.
I have searched online for this problem and have come along this post on 
stackoverflow post:


However, this post does not provide a solution for this problem. In 
conclusion the post states, that a custom action has to be written to 
achieve this task.
I would rather refrain from writing my own custom action, if there is 
another possibility to achieve this. But for now, I would like to ask 
for advice on how to properly write such a custom action.
I have come up with a solution to this problem with the following approach:
- created EventSource elements.
- wrote a custom action that simply sets the eventlog properties.
- added a RegistryKey element.

I will now post the code to each part of the approach and explain why I 
did it that way.
The EventSource elements look like this:

<Component Id="CMP_EventLogNetfx2" Guid="SOME-GUID">
   <util:EventSource Name="Source1" 
Log="MyLog" KeyPath="yes"/>
     <![CDATA[(Installed OR NETFRAMEWORK20) AND VersionNT < 600]]>
<Component Id="CMP_EventLogNetfx4" Guid="ANOTHER-GUID">
   <util:EventSource Name="Source2" 
Log="MyLog" KeyPath="yes"/>
     <![CDATA[(Installed OR NETFRAMEWORK40FULL) AND VersionNT >= 600]]>

I want to keep the CustomAction as simple as possible, therefore the 
creation of the EventLog and EventLog Source should be handled by the 
installer. I check for the presence of .Net Framework in order to load 
the correct EventLogMessages dll.

The code of the CustomAction looks like this:

using System;
using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace EvlCA
     public class CustomActions
         public static ActionResult UpdateEventLog(Session session)
             EventLog log = new EventLog("MyLog");
             log.MaximumKilobytes = 2048;
log.ModifyOverflowPolicy(OverflowAction.OverwriteAsNeeded, 0);

             return ActionResult.Success;
All I'm doing here, as you can see, is to set the properties of the 
EventLog. The funny thing is, that after the log has been installed by 
my installer, the eventvwr.msc snap-in displays the value "1028" for the 
size of the log. I don't understand why that is happening, because the 
ModifyOverflowPolicy method works as expected.
I am very unsure, if using such a simple CustomAction is acceptable.

Do I have to expand it to cover Rollback and Uninstallation?

I have scheduled the CustomAction to run like this:
     <Binary Id="EvlCADLL" 
SourceFile="$(var.EvlCA.TargetDir)EvlCA.CA.dll"  />
     <CustomAction Id="CA_EvlCA" BinaryKey="EvlCADLL" 
DllEntry="UpdateEventLog" Execute="commit" Return="check" />
I am unsure about the Execute attribute. When this is set to immediate I 
have to create an InstallExecuteSequence element and schedule it myself. 
I have omitted this element because I assigned the commit value to that 
attribute. Is that correct, or do I have to include an 
InstallExecuteSequnce element anyway?

To compensate for the funny value "1028" I added the following 
RegistryKey element:

<ComponentGroup Id="UpdateEventLogRegistryValues" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
   <Component Id="CMP_EventLogSetRegistryEntries" Guid="LAST-GUID">
     <RegistryKey Root="HKLM" 
       <RegistryValue Name="AutoBackupLogFiles" Action="write" Value="0" 
Type="integer" KeyPath="yes"/>
       <RegistryValue Name="MaxSize" Action="write" Value="2097152" 
Type="integer" />
       <RegistryValue Name="MaxSizeUpper" Action="write" Value="0" 
Type="integer" />
       <RegistryValue Name="Retention" Action="write" Value="0" 
Type="integer" />

This results in the value I actually desired: 2048. It has to be written 
like that, because according to this post


the Registry table only stores decimal values. The problem is that 
altering the registry has no effect until the machine is restarted. But 
that is something I can live with, as long as my custom action sets the 
modifyoverflowpolicy correctly.

I would really love to see an extension to the WixUtilExtension library 
which provides an EventLog element with the Attributes 
ModifyOverflowPolicy, MaximumKilobytes, MinimumRetentionDays... 
essentially all the Properties you can set for an EventLog object from 
the System.Diagnostics namespace.

Thanks for your help.

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