I'm confused about how Impersonate works. I want to run a console 
migration executable using the WiX CAQuitExec. The migration executable 
copies files from a previous version of the product to a new version of 
the product.
I want to run it as the installing user so I assumed that I should 
specify Impersonate='yes'.
See this code snippet (using WiX 3.7):
       <CustomAction Id='SilentMigrate50Settings_Cmd' 
          Value="&quot;[#conv50to51.exe]&quot; /auto" Execute="immediate"
       <CustomAction Id="SilentMigrate50Settings"
          BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="CAQuietExec"
          Impersonate='yes' HideTarget='no'
          Execute='commit' Return='ignore'

          <Custom Action='SilentMigrate50Settings' After='DuplicateFiles'>
             NOT Installed
However, the effect seems to be that the tool is called as the Installer 
process. The end effect is that the files are copied by the migration 
tool, but without the rights of the installing user in effect making the 
copied files read-only.
Any hints are tips are appreciated.

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