Hello all,

We had a requirement to show the configuration in the msi name because we
have several validation steps along the way. For the benefit of others, here
is how to do it using PostBuild events to call a bat file which renames the
file. The system supplied parms pertaining to path all include the trailing

1. In the Wix project, we added a BatFiles folder containing RenameMSI.bat

2. In the Wix project properties, we added this to the Build Events,
Post-build Event Command Line
    Use double quotes everywhere in case something contains an embedded
call "$(ProjectDir)BatFiles\RenameMSI.bat" "$(ConfigurationName)"
"$(TargetName)" "$(TargetDir)"

3. The contents of RenameMSI.bat are as follows:
@Echo Off

:: Renames msi file to include the configuration (e.g. MyInstaller.msi ->
MyInstaller Debug.msi or MyInstaller Test.msi)

:: Example usage - use double quotes in case anything contains embedded
:: call "$(ProjectDir)BatFiles\UpdateMSI.bat" "$(ConfigurationName)"
"$(TargetName)" "$(TargetDir)"

:: current configuration (e.g. Test or Debug)
@if '%1'=='' goto End

:: output msi file name without extension (e.g. MyInstaller)
@if '%2'=='' goto End

:: output msi file full path including trailing backslash (e.g.
@if '%3'=='' goto End


:: Strip double quotes and assign to variables
set configuration=%~1
set targetName=%~2
set targetDir=%~3

:: New name is a combination of the existing msi file and the configuration
(e.g. MyInstaller Test.msi)
set newName=%targetName% %configuration%

goto SkipEchoes

@echo parm1:  %1, %configuration%

@echo parm2:  %2, %targetName%

@echo parm3:  %3, 
@echo         %targetDir%

@echo newMsi: %newName%.msi


:: Delete existing new name msi if it exists (e.g. MyInstaller Test.msi)
del "%targetDir%%newName%.msi"

:: Rename the new msi to include the configuration
ren "%targetDir%%targetName%.msi" "%newName%.msi"


exit 0

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