Hi am using trying to use util:XmlFile to change an xml file but it fails when 
i use a specific XPath, saying it couldnt find the path. 
ExecXmlFile:  Error 0x80004005: failed to find node: //Name/parent::Application 
in XML file: C:\Program Files\*\foobar.xml

I have tested my xpath query on online XPath verification tool and they were 

Here is my sample xml and and the xpath query
    <util:XmlFile Id="foo" Action="setValue" 
ElementPath="//Name[\[].='Bar'[\]]/parent::Application/URL" Name="FooBar" 
Value="[URL_STRING_VALUE]" File="[BinDir]foobar.xml"/>

   <URLReservations>        <Application FooBar='DefaultValue'>            
<Name>Bar</Name>                                   <URL>                
<UrlString>Default_Url</UrlString>            </URL>        </Application>      
  <Application FooBar='DefaultValue'>            <Name>Foo</Name>               
        <URL>                <UrlString>Default_Url</UrlString>            
</URL>        </Application>  </URLReservations>                                
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