Remember the INSTALLLOCATION for uninstall.... see y-pattern
-----Original Message----- From: chennam [] Sent: 04 March 2013 14:19 To: Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Copy file where source and Destination same Used the FileId attribute of the CopyFile element so that it generates a row in the DuplicateFile table, rather than in the MoveFile table. if FileId attribute is used then how to eliminate the duplicate file (source file) once the copyfile action perfomed? And under what custom action does the destination setproperty need to be if the FileId attribute is used? (I have used AppSearch not user it is right one or not) And another quick question instead of hard coding destination file path. I am setting a property like [INSTALLOCATION]="E:\Websites\CBUDirect" which I am passing as parameter (not shown below) .So the "DestFilesFolder" vaue becomes "[INSTALLOCATION]\Website\App_Config" After="AppSearch". And it is working well for installation ,but during UnIstallation it does give a error like Failed the network search "\Website\App_Config" ie the [INSTALLOCATION] is not been stored during the unistallation. Then how to crossover this hurdle? Note:[INSTALLOCATION] is dynamic one given only during MSI installation package. I have implemented using FileID attribute of Copyfile please see below. <Fragment> <SetProperty Id="DestFilesFolder" Value="E:\Websites\CBUDirect\Website\App_Config" After="AppSearch" /> <ComponentGroup Id="CopyFiles"> <ComponentRef Id="CMP_LOG4TXT" /> </ComponentGroup> <DirectoryRef Id="WEBSITE"> <Component Id="CMP_LOG4TXT" Guid="DBAF8230-218D-44BB-B34B-7B26FD144454" KeyPath="yes"> <File Id="File_installme" Source="C:\Workspaces\Chatra\Website\CBUDirect.Web\App_Config\Deployment.Prod uctionBuild.config.xml" > <CopyFile Id="Copy_LOG4TXT" DestinationProperty="DestFilesFolder" DestinationName="Deployment.Production.config" /> </File> </Component> </DirectoryRef> </Fragment> -- View this message in context: -source-and-Destination-same-tp7584088p7584090.html Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Everyone hates slow websites. So do we. Make your web apps faster with AppDynamics Download AppDynamics Lite for free today: _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list SDL PLC confidential, all rights reserved. If you are not the intended recipient of this mail SDL requests and requires that you delete it without acting upon or copying any of its contents, and we further request that you advise us. SDL PLC is a public limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 02675207. Registered address: Globe House, Clivemont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7DY, UK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everyone hates slow websites. So do we. Make your web apps faster with AppDynamics Download AppDynamics Lite for free today: _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list