Are there any blogs or other publications that a beginner of burn
should read before the WiX 3.6 edition of Nick Ramirez's book is


2013/2/23 Helge Kruse <>:
> Hello,
> I use WiX before, but am completely unexperienced with burn.
> I have build localized .msi packages. I have further read that one can
> build a transform (mst) that is more-or-less a diff file between the
> localized .msi packages and run msiexec with command line arguments that
> will combine a base .msi package and a .mst at runtime and use the
> desired installation language. One can embed the .mst in the msi with
> EmbedTransform so that one only need to pass the command line arguments
> to msiexec. But command line arguments are not the user experience I
> want to offer.
> I just want to build a thing that detects the installation UI by looking
> at the localization of the operating system or probably asking the user
> for the installation language. After this is done I want to exec msiexec
> with the required arguments to use the selected language. It's not
> required the the .mst is embedded in the .msi. To be honest I would like
> to skip this.
> I assume this should be a FAQ. Therefore I would like to know is there
> any mini example for installation user interface selection (from running
> OS or user input) that shows how to implement this with burn?
> Regards
> Helge
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