Does Burn not just install .NET 4.5 in your bootstrapper's main apply phase
along with everything else?  If you put it first in your chain, it should
get installed first by Burn.


On 10 January 2013 21:19, Thomas Hammond <> wrote:

> I updated my bundle to use .NET 4.5 as the Mba Prereq. This works fine if
> I install on a machine that does not have .NET 4.x installed. However, if I
> run on a system that already has 4.0 installed, Burn does not install .NET
> 4.5 as a prereq before loading my managed bootstrapper application. Even
> though my managed bootstrapper application only requires .NET 4.0, I would
> like to use the prereq system to get .NET 4.5 installed because all of my
> MSI packages require .NET 4.5.
> Thanks.
> -Thom
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