Is DPInst.exe in the machine's PATH? If not, that is the problem.

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 3:19 AM, Branko Horvat <>wrote:

> I'm trying to make an installer using DPInst.exe as a CustomAction.
> Although there are some solutions provided, it fails.
> I can install the driver using rightclick on .inf and Install. I can even
> use manually DPInst.exe on installed folder.
> When I use Notepad.exe instead of DPInst.exe it works. Although DPInst.exe
> is inlcuded in the installed folder
> as DPInst64.exe. I can even achieve that Notepad opens our .inf file
> (provide parameter).
> The result of installing our .msi is the entry in ARP. In Device Manager
> the device is not properly installed.
> Seeing .log shows an error in using quiet mode, or nothing. My notion was,
> the path is somehow wrong.
> So, I tried to add "/path parameter" but still failed.
> I know I can try finally using <difx:Driver ...> but I still try using
> DPInst.exe to avoid taking care of
> 32- or 64-bits. Do you have any idea what could be wrong?
> These is my fragment of trials on "custom actions":
> <Property Id="QtExec64CmdLine" Value="&quot;DPInst64.exe&quot;"/>
> <CustomAction Id="LaunchPiepsCdc64" BinaryKey="WixCA"
> DllEntry="CAQuietExec64"
> Execute="immediate" Return="check"/>
> The log says:
> CAQuietExec64:  Error 0x80070002: Command failed to execute.
> CAQuietExec64:  Error 0x80070002: CAQuietExec64 Failed
> Or
> <Property Id='Exec64DPInst'>DPInst64.exe</Property>
> <CustomAction Id='LaunchPiepsCdc64' Property='Exec64DPInst'
> ExeCommand='' Return='asyncNoWait' />
> There is no error but neither proper installation.
> <Property Id='NotepadEXE'>Notepad.exe</Property>
> <CustomAction Id='LaunchPiepsCdc64' Property='NotepadEXE'
> ExeCommand='[SourceDir]piepscdc.inf' Return='asyncNoWait' />
> Here I had to provide path [SourceDir] or target
> [INSTALLDIR]\subfolder\some.inf
> ...
> <InstallExecuteSequence>
>                 <Custom Action='LaunchPiepsCdc32'
> After='InstallFinalize'>NOT VersionNT64</Custom>
>                 <Custom Action='LaunchPiepsCdc64'
> After='InstallFinalize'>VersionNT64</Custom>
> </InstallExecuteSequence>
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