Surely it is the same, the UI gives you the choice of which SQL - the only 
difference is that the UI is in burn not the MSI.

I may not follow what you are doing but SQL Express exe is a wrapper around 
many MSIs - if you are running it from another MSI it will fail when I runs as 
you cannot have two installs running at the same time. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Ogilvie [] 
Sent: 07 January 2013 17:07
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] custom action to run SQL Server Express EXE

Once again that is not how our PM wants it...

However, the SQL express installer is an EXE initially...


-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Sleightholm []
Sent: January-07-13 12:03 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] custom action to run SQL Server Express EXE

Are you installing SQL from a CA in the MSI? If so that is not supported as you 
are effectively running one MSI from another. You could put the choice for SQL 
in the burn UI and then use burn to install SQL (or not).


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Ogilvie []
Sent: 07 January 2013 16:56
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] custom action to run SQL Server Express EXE

Because our PM wants the user to have a choice, use their own SQL Server server 
(which most likely they will already have) OR choose a dedicated SQL Server 
(2012 Express that we will install (most likely for testing purposes)...


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Pierce []
Sent: January-07-13 11:44 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] custom action to run SQL Server Express EXE

Why not just use Burn to run the SQL Server installers?


On 7 January 2013 16:31, Steven Ogilvie <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In my Database dialog I am allowing the user to choose whether to use 
> their own copy of SQL Server or use a dedicated SQL Server Express 2012.
> If they choose the dedicated SQL Server on Next Click I run a custom 
> action that determines if the OS is 32 or 64 bit and run the 
> appropriate SQL Server Express 2012 installer (.exe) I also set up the 
> command line parameters for Windows Authentication or SQL Server 
> authentication etc...
> The only problem is that Burn caches the installer into a temp 
> directory and I can no longer find my 2 SQL Server EXE's:
> const string sqlExpress2012X64 = "SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe"; const string
> sqlExpress2012X86 = "SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe";
> var sourceDir = GetSessionProperty(session, "SourceDir", false); 
> //course this doesn't work since burn cache's the installer...
> var sourceExe = Is64BitWindows() ? sqlExpress2012X64 : 
> sqlExpress2012X86; var cmdLineExe = sourceDir + sourceExe;
> I use ProcessStartInfo to execute the EXE and set up the command line 
> parameter as well...
> If I run the .MSI (with the SQL exe's beside it) it runs perfectly... 
> but using my BURN exe it fails since it cache's the .MSI into a temp 
> folder and it can no longer find the .EXE's any idea on how to solve this?
> (I guess I would have to add the 2 SQL installers as binary files?)
> Thanks,
> Steve
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