No problem Steve, I will post when I have it working. Messing around with it now to try to get it working..:)
-----Original Message----- From: Steven Ogilvie [] Sent: 16 October 2012 15:53 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. Subject: Re: [WiX-users] ActionData to show file names Hi Natalie, When you get that working I would love to see the code (that would be something I would be interested in seeing in my install as well) Steve -----Original Message----- From: Natalie Carr [] Sent: October-16-12 10:39 AM To: Subject: [WiX-users] ActionData to show file names Hi, I want to show each file that is getting installed I used the actiondata control: <Control Id="ActionData" Type="Text" X="70" Y="100" Width="285" Height="10"> <Subscribe Event="ActionData" Attribute="Text" /></Control> It shows the full file and directory but I would only like it to show the file. Is this possible? I am also installing a service that's name is a property found at install time, however when I changed this it gave the DisplayName as the literal property name. Kind Regards, Natalie Carr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM Deploy New Relic app performance management and know exactly what is happening inside your Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, and .NET app Try New Relic at no cost today and get our sweet Data Nerd shirt too! _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM Deploy New Relic app performance management and know exactly what is happening inside your Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, and .NET app Try New Relic at no cost today and get our sweet Data Nerd shirt too! _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM Deploy New Relic app performance management and know exactly what is happening inside your Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, and .NET app Try New Relic at no cost today and get our sweet Data Nerd shirt too! _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list