My guess is that it is a new check, this bit of the error explains the issue 
"This error may also occur if a path contains a likely standard directory such 
as nesting a directory with name "Common Files" under ProgramFilesFolder."

You probably just need to add a ComponentGuidGenerationSeed to your 
CommonFilesFolder directory.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Ziegelmeier [] 
Sent: 12 October 2012 10:41
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] WiX 3.6 MergeModule creation regression?


I just upgraded from WiX 3.5 to WiX 3.6 (always the release versions)

The following merge module does not compile any more now:

<Wix xmlns="";>
    <Module Id="MergeModuleId" Language="1033"
        <Package Id="{GUID}" Manufacturer="MyEmployer"
InstallerVersion="200" />

        <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
                <Directory Id="CommonFilesFolder" />

                <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR"
ComponentGuidGenerationSeed="{GUID}" />

        <ComponentGroupRef Id="ComponentGroup.PFCoDIA.Fdt.Profibus" />

The ComponentGroup "ComponentGroup.PFCoDIA.Fdt.Profibus" contains a component 
"cComSTAHelper" that has a DirectoryRef to "CommonFilesFolder".

Error message:

: error LGHT0231 : The component 'cComSTAHelper.GUID_GUID_GUID_GUID' has a key 
file with path 'TARGETDIR\MyEmployer\comstahelper\comstahelper.dll'.
Since this path is not rooted in one of the standard directories (like 
ProgramFilesFolder), this component does not fit the criteria for having an 
automatically generated guid.  (This error may also occur if a path contains a 
likely standard directory such as nesting a directory with name "Common Files" 
under ProgramFilesFolder.)

Is this a bug/regression in WiX or is this a real problem which the old WiX 
3.5. simply did not catch?

No, I can't use wixlibs in this case, because the final product must be a merge 

Thank you in advance

Dirk Ziegelmeier * *
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