It looks like your components are in a merge module. When a merge module is built into an MSI, various Ids such as properties and component and file Ids are modularised: they have the merge module guid appended to them. This prevents Id clashes between merge modules.
If you open your MSI in Orca or InstEd and examine the component conditions, I hazard that you'll see the component condition is now something like MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM.980E88AD_5641_42E4_9827_666782E3BCEC <>"x86" The solution is to either adjust your references within the main MSI to MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM to include the GUID that will be added to it or (I think) use Property/@suppressModularization if you're sure that there won't be any unintentional name clashes, or look into configurable merge modules, which is a little more work. If you don't need to share portions of your MSI with other non-wix users, I'd suggest using wixlibs rather than merge modules anyway. -----Original Message----- From: Steven Ogilvie [] Sent: 11 October 2012 16:50 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. Subject: Re: [WiX-users] silly question... re properties... Let me do this again :) In merge module I have 6 components set to install depending on a custom action that detects the "bit" of MS Outlook (whether it is 32 or 64 bit) ** Currently all 6 files get installed... but only 3 should be installed depending on the Outlook bit ** The three outlook 32 bit files are: <Condition><![CDATA[MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM <>"x64"]]></Condition> The three outlook 64bit files are: <Condition><![CDATA[MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM <>"x86"]]></Condition> The custom action is run at both execute and ui sequence <Custom Action="RunMYCORPPrerequisiteCheck" Before="CostFinalize">NOT Installed</Custom> MSI Logfile has this: MSI (c) (54!94) [11:36:43:799]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM property. Its value is 'x86'. MYCORP Common Setup Toolkit: MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM: x86 MSI (c) (54:00) [11:36:47:293]: Switching to server: NETFRAMEWORK40FULL="#1" TARGETDIR="C:\" INSTALLLOCATION="C:\Program Files (x86)\MYCORP\MyProduct\" INSTALLDESTINATION="C:\Program Files (x86)\MYCORP\Services\" CURRENTDIRECTORY="C:\Dev\Core Technologies\Main\Setup\TMC_Client_Setup\bin\Debug" CLIENTUILEVEL="0" CLIENTPROCESSID="4180" USERNAME="MYCORP2" SOURCEDIR="C:\Dev\Core Technologies\Main\Setup\TMC_Client_Setup\bin\Debug\" ACTION="INSTALL" EXECUTEACTION="INSTALL" ROOTDRIVE="C:\" MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM="x86" INSTALLLEVEL="1" WIXUI_INSTALLDIR_VALID="1" SECONDSEQUENCE="1" ADDLOCAL=Feature_AllClient,Feature_Services MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:36:52:577]: Command Line: NETFRAMEWORK40FULL=#1 TARGETDIR=C:\ INSTALLLOCATION=C:\Program Files (x86)\MYCORP\MyProduct\ INSTALLDESTINATION=C:\Program Files (x86)\MYCORP\Services\ CURRENTDIRECTORY=C:\Dev\Core Technologies\Main\Setup\TMC_Client_Setup\bin\Debug CLIENTUILEVEL=0 CLIENTPROCESSID=4180 USERNAME=MYCORP2 SOURCEDIR=C:\Dev\Core Technologies\Main\Setup\TMC_Client_Setup\bin\Debug\ ACTION=INSTALL EXECUTEACTION=INSTALL ROOTDRIVE=C:\ MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM=x86 INSTALLLEVEL=1 WIXUI_INSTALLDIR_VALID=1 SECONDSEQUENCE=1 ADDLOCAL=Feature_AllClient,Feature_Services ACTION=INSTALL MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:36:55:417]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM property. Its value is 'x86'. Property(S): MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM = x86 Property(C): MYCORP_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM = x86 One of the 64 bit components has this in log file: MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:36:57:184]: Component: cmp_TL_MAPIHooks_x64.980E88AD_5641_42E4_9827_666782E3BCEC; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local; Client State: Unknown MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:36:57:184]: Component: __cmp_TL_MAPIHooks_x64.980E88AD_5641_42E4_9827_666782E3BCEC65; Installed: Null; Request: Local; Action: Local; Client State: Null Component GUID: MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:36:58:607]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={977FCDF7-D89C-4EB5-88EC-74A4E6750866},KeyPath= C:\Program Files (x86)\MYCORP\MyProduct\TL_MAPIHooks_x64.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount =0,BinaryType=0) 1: {6D3C48F1-3076-4350-8C51-80AAB4F4E213} 2: {977FCDF7-D89C-4EB5-88EC-74A4E6750866} 3: C:\Program Files (x86)\MYCORP\MyProduct\TL_MAPIHooks_x64.dll MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:36:58:607]: WIN64DUALFOLDERS: Substitution in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MYCORP\MyProduct\TL_MAPIHooks_x64.dll' folder had been blocked by the 1 mask argument (the folder pair's iSwapAttrib member = 0). File ID: MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:36:57:839]: The file represented by File table key 'file_TL_MAPIHooks_x64.980E88AD_5641_42E4_9827_666782E3BCEC' has no eligible binary patches MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:37:02:041]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=fs_cm0pb.dll|TL_MAPIHooks_x64.dll,SourceCabKey=file_TL_MA PIHooks_x64.980E88AD_5641_42E4_9827_666782E3BCEC,DestName=TL_MAPIHooks_x64.dl l,Attributes=512,FileSize=948224,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0, Version=,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:37:02:041]: File: C:\Program Files (x86)\MYCORP\MyProduct\TL_MAPIHooks_x64.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (4C:F4) [11:37:02:041]: Source for file 'file_TL_MAPIHooks_x64.980E88AD_5641_42E4_9827_666782E3BCEC' is compressed InstallFiles: File: TL_MAPIHooks_x64.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\MYCORP\MyProduct\, Size: 948224 It looks like the condition is ignored completely ? Steve -----Original Message----- From: Peter Shirtcliffe [] Sent: October-11-12 5:08 AM To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. Subject: Re: [WiX-users] silly question... re properties... I'm confused by your description of what you've done. You say your CA is C# but it looks like a property setting CA. Also you say its run before LaunchConditions but it says before InstallFiles. As far as I'm aware, any custom action that's run will be mentioned in a verbose log, whatever it does. Component conditions are evaluated during CostFinalize. If your custom action changes the property before InstallFiles, it will not alter the result of the condition. .aspx -----Original Message----- From: StevenOgilvie [] Sent: 10 October 2012 17:57 To: Subject: [WiX-users] silly question... re properties... Hi all, I feel like a dork asking but... If a property is a assigned value 'x' and then a custom action changes the value to same ('x') will the MSI log file just show that the custom action was run? i.e. MSI (s) (CC:90) [12:48:12:634]: Doing action: CA_TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM.SetProperty Action 12:48:12: CA_TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM.SetProperty. CA: Set TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM property... Action start 12:48:12: CA_TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM.SetProperty. Action ended 12:48:12: CA_TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM.SetProperty. Return value 1. I have set the property: <Property Id="TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM" Secure="yes" Value="x86"/> run the custom action, a C# custom action project which is run before launchconditions on both execute and UI sequences, the log file shows: TITUS Common Setup Toolkit: TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM: x86 set the property as: <CustomAction Id="CA_TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM.SetProperty" Property="TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM" Value="[TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM]" /> run the custom action: <Custom Action="CA_TITUS_FOUNDPRODUCTPLATFORM.SetProperty" Before="InstallFiles">NOT Installed</Custom> I have 6 components that are conditioned: <Condition></Condition> but all 6 components (6 files) are installed :( what am I doing wrong? thanks, Steve aka the noob -- View this message in context: re-properties-tp7581268.html Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. 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