
My setup installs .NET then my msi. If I then uninstall .NET from 
add/remove programs then go to uninstall my application uninstall fails. 
Here's the log:

[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:16]: Burn v3.6.3303.0, Windows v6.1 (Build 
7601: Service Pack 1), path: C:\ProgramData\Package 
Cache\{7262b7ee-b102-4e61-99cc-a7f2729baf26}\my_setup.exe, cmdline: 
'/uninstall -burn.unelevated 
{5027F13B-2121-42C1-BFBB-49D2EF8237C0} 1760'
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:16]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' 
to value 'C:\Users\ME~1\AppData\Local\Temp\My_App_20121002222816.log'
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:16]: Condition '((VersionNT = v6.0 And 
ServicePackLevel >= 2) Or VersionNT >= v6.1)' evaluates to true.
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:16]: Detect 2 packages
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:16]: Registry key not found. Key = 
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full'
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:16]: Condition 'NETFRAMEWORK45 >= 377811' 
evaluates to false.
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:16]: Detected package: NetFx45WebFixed, 
state: Absent, cached: Complete
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:16]: Detected package: Setup, state: 
Present, cached: Complete
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:16]: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:18]: Plan 2 packages, action: Uninstall
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:18]: Setting string variable 
'WixBundleRollbackLog_Setup' to value 
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:18]: Setting string variable 
'WixBundleLog_Setup' to value 
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:18]: Skipping dependency registration on 
package with no dependency providers: NetFx45WebFixed
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:18]: Planned package: Setup, state: 
Present, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: 
Uninstall, rollback: Install, cache: No, uncache: Yes, dependency: 
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:18]: Planned package: NetFx45WebFixed, 
state: Absent, default requested: None, ba requested: None, execute: 
None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: Yes, dependency: None
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:18]: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:18]: Apply begin
[06E0:00B4][2012-10-02T22:28:18]: Creating a system restore point.
[06E0:00B4][2012-10-02T22:28:24]: Created a system restore point.
[06E0:00B4][2012-10-02T22:28:24]: Removed dependency: 
{7262b7ee-b102-4e61-99cc-a7f2729baf26} on package provider: 
{90550CE4-F491-4B9C-AE0C-E379EAF59E39}, package Setup
[06E0:00B4][2012-10-02T22:28:24]: Applying execute package: Setup, 
action: Uninstall, path: C:\ProgramData\Package 
[06E0:00B4][2012-10-02T22:28:34]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to uninstall 
MSI package.
[06E0:00B4][2012-10-02T22:28:34]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute 
MSI package.
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:34]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to configure 
per-machine MSI package.
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:34]: Applied execute package: Setup, 
result: 0x80070643, restart: None
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:34]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute 
MSI package.
[06E0:00B4][2012-10-02T22:28:34]: Skipped rollback of package: Setup, 
action: Install, already: Present
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:34]: Applied rollback package: Setup, 
result: 0x0, restart: None
[06E0:00B4][2012-10-02T22:28:34]: Registering dependency: 
{7262b7ee-b102-4e61-99cc-a7f2729baf26} on package provider: 
{90550CE4-F491-4B9C-AE0C-E379EAF59E39}, package: Setup
[09F4:0874][2012-10-02T22:28:35]: Apply complete, result: 0x80070643, 
restart: None, ba requested restart:  No

Uninstalling the app when .NET is still installed works fine.

Here's my bundle:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix RequiredVersion="3.6.2830.0" 
   <Bundle Name="My App" Version="1.0.0" Manufacturer="Me Limited" 
UpgradeCode="GUID HERE"
     Copyright="Copyright© 2012, Me Limited" 
     Condition="((VersionNT = v6.0 And ServicePackLevel >= 2) Or 
VersionNT >= v6.1)">

Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" >
LicenseFile="$(var.SolutionDir)WiX\license.rtf" SuppressOptionsUI="yes" />
       <PackageGroupRef Id="NetFx45WebFixed" />
       <RollbackBoundary />
       <MsiPackage Id="Setup" DisplayName="My App" Compressed="yes" 
SourceFile="$(var.MySetupProject.TargetPath)" Vital="yes" />

How do I tell my bundle to skip NetFx45WebFixed when uninstalling?



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