No. Why do you need min-max version restrictions?

Today, if you have multiple Bundles with the same UpgradeCode, the higher
version upgrades the lower versions.

You can also upgrade other Bundle's UpgradeCodes by adding a RelatedBundle
with the Action='upgrade' and the Id='UpgradeCodeOfOtherBundles'.
Technically speaking, the Bundle/@UpgradeCode attribute is just short hand
for the RelatedBundle syntax. That and it is required.

2012/9/28 Christian Hausknecht <>

> Hello folks,
> is there anything in Burn that provides a possibility to define a minimum
> and a maximum bundle version for and upgrade like the <UpgradeVersion>-Tags
> in WiX? And if not is there a way to handle a check without writing a
> custom BA? Overall what is the exact behavior of a bundle that recognizes
> that its version is higher than the one of the installed bundle?
> Greetings,
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Christian Hausknecht
> Entwicklung
> BeraCom
> Beratung und Software-Entwicklung GmbH & Co. KG
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