I am trying, in my Managed Bootstrap Application, detect that my bundle is 
already installed and that a few optional features are installed as well.  I 
wrote the code below, but I never get into the PlantMsiFeature code.  I have 
set the EnableFeatureSelection on my MsiPackage. Basically, the thinking here 
is that PlanMsiFeature is called when either (a) the BA is called while the 
product is installed or (b) the Change button is selected in Add/Remove 
Programs.  The OptFeat…Selected functions mark that the Feature name should be 
added to the ADDLOCAL string I pass to the MsiPackage as a property and also 
set an internal property which corresponds to a checkbox on the RootView (the 
xaml code).  But, I never see this logging in my log file and I have tried all 
the possible options for LogLevel. 
privatevoid PlanMsiFeature(object sender, PlanMsiFeatureEventArgs e)
            /*  PROJMGMT = "ProjectEnvironment";
                BULKLOAD = "Bulkload";
                PIDSERVICE ="PIDService";
                IFCSERVICE = "IFCService";
                SERVER = "Server";
            // Only check feature states if product is already installed
            if (this.root.State == InstallationState.DetectedPresent)
                TestBA.Model.Engine.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "$$$ - Detected 
Feature: " + e.FeatureId.ToString() + " State: " + 
                switch (e.FeatureId.ToString())
                    case PROJMGMT:
                        if (e.State == FeatureState.Local)
                            this.OptFeatProjMgmtSelected = true;
                    case BULKLOAD:
                        if (e.State == FeatureState.Local)
                            this.OptFeatBulkloadSelected = true;
                    case PIDSERVICE:
                        if (e.State == FeatureState.Local)
                            this.OptFeatPIDServiceSelected = true;
                    case IFCSERVICE:
                        if (e.State == FeatureState.Local)
                            this.OptFeatIFCServiceSelected = true;
                    case SERVER:
                        if (e.State == FeatureState.Local)
                            this.OptFeatSvrConnSelected = true;
                Assuming I get the detection of feature states working, what 
would I then call to do the modification?  I added a ModifyCommand, similar to 
the InstallCommand in the WixBA, to “apply” the changes to feature state.  Is 
this what should be called or would you call Plan(LaunchAction.Install) again?
publicICommand ModifyCommand
                if (this.modifyCommand == null)
                    this.modifyCommand = new RelayCommand(param => 
this.Plan(LaunchAction.Modify), param => this.root.State == 
                return this.modifyCommand;
Thanks in advance,
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