My driver msi is now set to perMachine installation. When I comment both 
<difx:Driver> tags, the files are actually copied into general "programFiles" 
(not into user programFiles).
But when I uncomment Driver tag, this error occurrs (got from log file under 
/L* switch):

DIFXAPP: ERROR: no driver packages found in C:\Program Files 
DIFXAPP: ERROR: InstallDriverPackages failed with error 0x2
DIFXAPP: ERROR: Unable to retrieve the driver store handle corresponding to 
componentId '{5BE845A4-9787-4218-B578-22878B31231B}'
DIFXAPP: ERROR: Rollback failed with error 0x2
MSI (c) (00:F4) [15:55:53:473]: Product: FTDI Drivers Installer -- Installation 

Otherwise my commands were:

candle.exe -ext WixDifxAppExtension ftdiinstall.wsx
light.exe -ext WixDifxAppExtension difxapp_x64.wixlib ftdiinstall.wixobj -out 
Both commands produced no errors!

As no dirvers were available as expected (when i unplug LAN network he doesn't 
find drivers on plug&play the device) 
I used the following command to get log entries.

msiexec /i ftdiinstall.msi /L* LogFile.txt

I can provide additional data if needed. I am available one more hour today.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
<Wix xmlns=''
    <Product Name='FTDI Drivers Installer' 
Id='E00E5A99-913D-4C68-98BF-B43A471CD45D' Language='1033' Codepage='1252' 
Version='1.0' Manufacturer='Pieps GmbH' 
UpgradeCode='6179804D-2231-47D0-B569-B9E04B5C0712' > 
        <Package Id='*' Keywords='install deploy ftdi driver' Description='FTDI 
Driver Installer' Comments='Installs FTDI drivers' 
                 Manufacturer='Pieps GmbH' InstallerVersion='100' 
Languages='1033' Compressed='yes' SummaryCodepage='1252' 
InstallScope='perMachine' />
        <Media Id='1' Cabinet='' EmbedCab='yes' DiskPrompt='FTDI 
Driver Media' />
        <Property Id='DiskPrompt' Value='FTDI Driver Install Media' />
        <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
            <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder'>
                <Directory Id='CompanyDir' Name='Pieps'>
                    <Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' Name='FtdiDrivers'>
                        <Directory Id='FtdiBusDriverDir' Name='FtdiBusDriver' >
                            <Component Id='FtdiBusDriverComp' 
Guid='C96288D7-0C58-44DB-85A6-F6E2B102BFCB' >
                                <File Id='FtdiBusINF' Source='.\ftdibus.inf' 
Vital='yes' />
                                <File Id='FtdiBusCAT' Source='.\' />
                                <File Id='BusFtd2xx' Source='.\ftd2xx.h' />
                            <Directory Id='Bus32' Name='i386'>
                                <Component Id='BusArch32Comp' 
                                    <difx:Driver Sequence='1' 
AddRemovePrograms='yes' Legacy='no' PlugAndPlayPrompt='no' ForceInstall='no' />
                                    <File Id='FtdiBusSYS' 
Source='.\i386\ftdibus.sys' Vital='yes' />
                                    <File Id='FtBusUiDLL' 
Source='.\i386\ftbusui.dll' />
                                    <File Id='Ftd2xxDLL' 
Source='.\i386\ftd2xx.dll' />
                                    <File Id='FtLangDLL' 
Source='.\i386\ftlang.dll' />
                        <Directory Id='FtdiPortDriverDir' Name='FtdiPortDriver'>
                            <Component Id='FtdiPortDriverComp' 
Guid='CB959589-9A83-4E0F-8B4C-3DEA265235D6' >
                                <File Id='FtdiPortINF' Source='.\ftdiport.inf' 
Vital='yes' />
                                <File Id='FtdiPortCAT' Source='.\' 
                                <File Id='PortFtd2xx' Source='.\ftd2xx.h' />
                            <Directory Id='Port32' Name='i386'>
                                <Component Id='PortArch32Comp' 
                                    <difx:Driver Sequence='2' 
AddRemovePrograms='yes' Legacy='no' PlugAndPlayPrompt='no' ForceInstall='no' />
                                    <File Id='FtSer2kSYS' 
Source='.\i386\ftser2k.sys' Vital='yes' />
                                    <File Id='Ftserui2DLL' 
Source='.\i386\ftserui2.dll' />
                                    <File Id='FtcsercoDLL' 
Source='.\i386\ftcserco.dll' />
        <Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
            <ComponentRef Id='FtdiBusDriverComp' />
            <ComponentRef Id='BusArch32Comp' />
            <ComponentRef Id='FtdiPortDriverComp' />
            <ComponentRef Id='PortArch32Comp' />
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