Good morning,

I am struggling a little, I have created a 64bit installer (am running it on a 
64bit virtual machine) and am trying to copy files into the System32 folders 
and sub folders.

I have installed the files initially into the program files location, however I 
then use a <FileCopy> to copy them over to the correct folder in System32.

<Component Win64="$(var.Win64)" Id="cmpDBC0DF1CD" Guid="{SHORT}">
  <File Id="filD3AFD" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.SourceDir)\ driver.dll">
    <CopyFile Id="CopyPrintDriver64" 
DestinationProperty="MY_CUSTOM_DESTINATION_SPOOL64" />
    <CopyFile Id="CopyPrintDriver643" 
DestinationProperty="MY_CUSTOM_DESTINATION_SPOOL643" />

I decided to use an include file for setting up standard variables, and the 
installer has a property so that I can use the destination in the FileCopy:

<?define spoolDrivers643=$(env.windir)\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\3 ?>

<Property Id="MY_CUSTOM_DESTINATION_SPOOL643" Value="$(var.spoolDrivers643)" />

The problem is that even though this is a 64bit installer on a 64bit machine I 
am seeing the Wow redirector applying to the property:
MSI (s) (7C:34) [09:33:24:321]: WIN64DUALFOLDERS: 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\' will 
substitute 20 characters in 'C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\' folder 
path. (mask argument = 0, the folder pair's iSwapAttrib member = 1).
MSI (s) (7C:34) [09:33:24:321]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying 
MY_CUSTOM_DESTINATION_SPOOL64 property. Its current value is 
'C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64'. Its new value: 

Just to clarify I am building with Wix 3.6.3213.0:

candle -arch x64 -out CB3-64bit.wixobj CB3-v3.wxs
light -ext WixUiExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -sw1076 -dPlatform=x64 -out 
CB3-64bit.msi CB3-64bit.wixobj

Which clearly I don't want it to redirect.  How can I turn it off?

Phil Hannent

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