And here's candle's command prompt, when using msbuild from command line:

%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MsBuild.exe /verbosity:d
/t:rebuild /fileLogger /p:Configuration=Release  Wix_ProjectOutput.sln

In msbuild.log:

C:\Program Files\WiX Toolset v3.6\bin\candle.exe -d"DevEnvDir=Undefined if
not building from within Visual Studio"
-dSolutionDir=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\ -dSolutionExt=.sln
-dSolutionFileName=Wix_ProjectOutput.sln -dSolutionName=Wix_ProjectOutput
-dConfiguration=Release -dOutDir=..\Release\ -dPlatform=x86
-dProjectExt=.wixproj -dProjectFileName=MySetup.wixproj
-dTargetExt=.msi -dTargetFileName=MySetup.msi -dTargetName=MySetup
-dTargetPath=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\Release\MySetup.msi *
-out obj\Release\ -arch x86 Product.wxs

So, under msbuild all is OK. It's a bug in votive?

2012/8/17 Dennis Petrov <>

> Here's candle's command prompt from VS output window:
> ------ Rebuild All started: Project: *MySetup, Configuration: Release*x86 
> ------
>         C:\Program Files\WiX Toolset v3.6\bin\candle.exe
> -d"DevEnvDir=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\\"
> -dSolutionDir=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\ -dSolutionExt=.sln
> -dSolutionFileName=Wix_ProjectOutput.sln -dSolutionName=Wix_ProjectOutput
> -dSolutionPath=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\Wix_ProjectOutput.sln
> -dConfiguration=Release -dOutDir=..\Release\ -dPlatform=x86
> -dProjectDir=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\MySetup\
> -dProjectExt=.wixproj -dProjectFileName=MySetup.wixproj
> -dProjectName=MySetup
> -dProjectPath=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\MySetup\MySetup.wixproj
> -dTargetDir=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\Release\
> -dTargetExt=.msi -dTargetFileName=MySetup.msi -dTargetName=MySetup
> -dTargetPath=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\Release\MySetup.msi
> *-dMyApplication.Configuration=Debug*-d"MyApplication.FullConfiguration=Debug|x86"
>  -dMyApplication.Platform=x86
> -dMyApplication.ProjectDir=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\MyApplication\
> -dMyApplication.ProjectExt=.csproj
> -dMyApplication.ProjectFileName=MyApplication.csproj
> -dMyApplication.ProjectName=MyApplication
> -dMyApplication.ProjectPath=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\MyApplication\MyApplication.csproj
> -dMyApplication.TargetDir=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\Debug\
> -dMyApplication.TargetExt=.exe
> -dMyApplication.TargetFileName=MyApplication.exe
> -dMyApplication.TargetName=MyApplication
> -dMyApplication.TargetPath=D:\Projects\Research\Wix_ProjectOutput\Debug\MyApplication.exe
> -out obj\Release\ -arch x86 Product.wxs
> Why for the release build of MySetup was used debug configuration of
> MyApplication??
> Any ideas?
> 2012/8/16 Dennis Petrov <>
>> I'm wondering, how to include a configuration-dependent project output in
>> WiX Setup Project? For example, let's look at Visual Studio solution with
>> one .NET application and one Wix Setup Project.
>> I've added a reference to .NET app in Setup project and created component
>> in setup source:
>> <Component Guid="EB0CBC32-5AE5-41B3-A343-FEBE044AC30A">
>>     <File Source="$(var.MyApp.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes"/>
>>   </Component>
>> So, I expect, that WiX will include a *release* version of MyApp in its *
>> release* setup msi, and debug version in debug msi respectively.
>> Otherwise, reference to the project output makes no sense for me.
>> But there's always debug version. What am I doing wrong?
>> --
>> Best regards, Dennis.
> --
> С уважением, Денис Петров.
> ICQ:174-681-579
> Тел.: +7 (960) 46-26-921

С уважением, Денис Петров.
Тел.: +7 (960) 46-26-921
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