Hi folks, first time poster (and WIX user) here.

Due to customer request, I'm having to convert our InnoSetup based installer
to WIX.  It's a VB6/DirectX7 app.

I believe I have it correctly installing the application, and the core VB
dependencies via MS merge modules (oleaut32, msvbvm60, comcat, mscomctl and

However, I'm stuck with the remaining few dependencies:

The old installer would copy these across and self register them, but I
understand this is no longer the done thing, and I want to do it properly if
at all possible.

I believe the correct approach is to use Heat to harvest the registration
information, and that's where I get stuck.  I've succesfully generated a
file with:
heat.exe file richtx32.ocx -o richtx32.ocx.wxs

But I'm a) not entirely sure how to combine it with my main installer, and
b) it has 
Guid="PUT-GUID-HERE".  Can I just generate any old GUID, or do I need to
somehow find the correct GUID for this control?

Unfortunately, I haven't even got that far with msdxm.ocx and dx7vb.dll -
for both of these, Heat generates an error like this:

heat.exe : warning HEAT5150 : Could not harvest data from a file that was
ed to be a SelfReg DLL: E:\InnoSetupSupportFiles\msdxm.ocx. If this file
does not support SelfReg you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error
detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: Exception has been thrown by
the target of an invocation.

In both cases, a (much smaller) .wxs file is produced, but is this all I
need?  I was under the impression that both files do in fact require self
registration, or rather the registry entries that it creates.

Search as I might, I simply cannot find any examples on the net of people
successfully installing these files via WIX, other than by "cheating" and
using  SelfRegCost=1.

Any assistance would be very much appreciated!


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