I am new to Windows software development, so my apologies for any silly 
questions or general cluelessness.
My question seems like it should be a FAQ, but I saw it neither in the WiX 
FAQ list nor in the past couple months of the list archives (I didn't see 
a good way to search the archive on the sourceforge forum site?), so I'll 
ask here.

I downloaded Wix35.msi from wix.codeplex.com, but when I went to execute 
the installer, I got a warning that the publisher could not be verified; 
the installer does not have a valid digital signature.
At present, the best I can do to get a verified path to the WiX installer 
is to change the 'http' to 'https' in the download link I have, to be:
Can I do any better at present?

It seems a little silly to use unsigned code (which might have been 
replaced by a man-in-the-middle attack, if I'm in a paranoid mood) to 
produce a binary which I am going to sign and distribute to my customers. 
I understand that it may not be feasible to sign the Wix35.msi installer 
for any number of reasons, but it would be nice if a checksum [0] of it 
could be posted under the wix.codeplex.com site which presents a 
Microsoft-signed SSL cert.  (Maybe the default download link could be 
https, too?)


Ben Kaduk

[0] If I can trust VMware's shared folders to not corrupt things, my copy 
of Wix35.msi has sha512sum 

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