I want to store a textbox value in registry but my situation is little
I am doing a registry search for a particular key value and populate this
value into the textbox and again storing this value to my custom registry
Everything is working great until now, but I found if I change this value
of the textbox at the run time and proceed with the installation, the new
value does not get stored in the registry but the registry search value
gets stored.

How can I make this work perfectly? Here is my code:

<Property Id="INSTALLMACHINE" Secure="yes"/>
 <Property Id="SDK_MACHINE"              Secure="yes">
<RegistrySearch Id="SDK_Machine"                  Root="HKCU"
        Key="Software\....\....\...."                  Name="Machine"
                Type="raw" /></Property><InstallExecuteSequence>
<Custom Action="CA.SetProperty.SDK_MACHINE" After="CostFinalize"
 <InstallUISequence>  <Custom Action="CA.SetProperty.SDK_MACHINE"
After="CostFinalize" /></InstallUISequence>

 <CustomAction Id="CA.SetProperty.SDK_MACHINE"
 <Control Id="MSNameEdit" Type="Edit" X="25" Y="105" Width="220"
Height="18" Property="INSTALLMACHINE" />
 <Component Id="SDK_Machine_RegistryEntries"
Guid="4B134F16-5CB0-4BC5-8D08-EAFB1D4A71F6">  <RegistryKey Root="HKCU"
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="Machine" Value="[INSTALLMACHINE]"
KeyPath="yes"/>  </RegistryKey></Component>

Thanks and Regards,
Ravi Raj
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