There is also a WiX book that would point you in the right direction


-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Mensching [] 
Sent: 06 April 2012 05:59
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WiX How To...

Have you read the tutorial: ?
It's pretty good.

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Ian Brooke <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to this package so please excuse my lack of knowledge and 
> please keep any explain simple!  I basically have three questions but 
> I will describe my situation first...
> I need to produce an installer/uninstaller for a new version of a 
> Windows legacy application.  This app is in use on hundreds of 
> computers around the world on an "at home" basis so I have no ability 
> to interact with the computers and everything needs to be automatic and as 
> foolproof as possible
> as all users are non-technical.   Some users of this installer will be new,
> others have an existing (old) version of this app but they cannot 
> uninstall it as that would remove certain files they need to retain.  
> The existing version has no guid's but it is simple to detect when and 
> where it is installed as it creates a registry key pointing to the 
> exe.  If a version already exists then as part of the install I need 
> to do two things (as well as install the new files!) - (1) remove an 
> entry in Add/Remove programs,
> (2)
> remove a Start Menu folder (and it's sub-items).  Both of these I 
> assume would require Admin privs.
> So, the 3 questions....
> 1.  How would I do those two things in WiX?
> 2.  At uninstall time I need to automatically delete a file that the 
> program has created in the application folder, OR, I need to be sure 
> the Application folder (under Program Files(x86) ) and sub-folders are 
> removed whether or not they are empty.  How would I go about this?
> 3.  Finally, I having trouble locating some complete documentation on 
> WiX, especially a detailed description/list of the various 
> tags/attributes that are available, what they do, their usage, etc.  
> Can someone please point me where to start my learning process.
> Many thanks
> Ian
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