I know that this email thread is very old, and I know that the tool in WiX
only covers immediate actions (not deferred actions) but I don't think
deferred custom actions can be fully unit tested on a build machine anyway,
but can the Lux tool meet the need for unit testing your CAs?


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Painter [mailto:chr...@iswix.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 8:27 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.; General
discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Unit tests with dtf and mockups

I  don't think Jason is involved in WiX / DTF development anymore.  Can
anyone confirm or deny?

I'd do the interface refactoring work if someone from the WiX team said 
they would like it done.


From: dbenzhu...@gmx.net

Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 9:53 AM

To: "General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset." 

Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Unit tests with dtf and mockups

Tobias S Wrote

> Use a mapping of the external session object to an internal and do all

> the tests against the internal "session object". The communication to

> the outer world then is limited to a small communication layer which

> just passes properties from outer session object to internal "session

> object".

Thanks a lot, thats what I ended up doing (after looking into a lot of duck 
typing libs and c#4.0 dynamic stuff).

Its not ideal as I have to modify my production code in order to be able to 
test it, but I gues it's worth the effort.

If DTF would switch over to using interfaces sometimes in the future ... I 
wouldn't mind ;)




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