After the discovery of the variable WixStdbaThemeXml from this mailing list I 
set about looking at my own corporate theme. In my main wxs I set these two 

               <WixVariable Id="WixStdbaLogo" Value="Background.bmp" />
               <WixVariable Id="WixStdbaThemeXml" Value="MytfTheme.xml" />

My objective is really to set a background image and have the other items 
overlayed, looking at thmutil.xds I can define my window:

<Window Width="600" Height="400" HexStyle="100a0000" FontId="0">[WixBundleName] 

And then I thought the only place really to define the background image was 
against the page:

    <Page Name="Install" >
        <Image X="0" Y="0" Width="600" Height="400" ImageFile="Logo.png" />
        <Richedit Name="EulaRichedit" X="11" Y="100" Width="-11" Height="-70" 
FontId="0" />
        <Checkbox Name="EulaAcceptCheckbox" X="-11" Y="-41" Width="246" 
Height="17" TabStop="yes" FontId="3">I &amp;agree to the license terms and 
        <Button Name="OptionsButton" X="-171" Y="-11" Width="75" Height="23" 
TabStop="yes" FontId="0" HideWhenDisabled="yes">&amp;Options</Button>
        <Button Name="InstallButton" X="-91" Y="-11" Width="75" Height="23" 
TabStop="yes" FontId="0">&amp;Install</Button>
        <Button Name="WelcomeCancelButton" X="-11" Y="-11" Width="75" 
Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">&amp;Close</Button>


Issue 1:

The length of my rtf license is just over a page.....when the bootstrapper 
first loads, the vertical scroll bar is not visible, the license contents are 
visible......only when I mouse over the hidden scroll bar does it appear.

Issue 2:

Regardless of the font or the creation of a new font Id, I don't seem to be 
able to control the text of the EulaRichEdit data. Within my main WXS I defined 
WixStdbaLicenseRtf to point to my Eula file, only if I change the font size 
directly in my external rtf file.....OK...that's not too much of a 
problem.....but now I need a coloured background and white text. (Product 
colours are dark background and white text)

I've tried defining a new font Id and setting the foreground and the 
background.....didn't seem to help.

My second idea was to change the external rtf file instead, I if I use 
Microsoft Word to create the Microsoft Word it looks OK.....load the 
same rtf in WordPad there is no colorization....compile it into the 
bootstrapper and still no colour.

Where am I going wrong?



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