> Light uses the source file to get information about the file to put
> the manifest (e.g., file size, hash); if specified, it also uses it to

> embed, but that's optional.

So you are telling me that I must have a local copy of any of the
Microsoft install packages that I wish to have downloaded at install
time.  The implication is that should MS change the package between when
I build the bootstrapper and when the customer runs it, the process will
fail because the HASH code etc will be different.

If the above is correct, are we sure this is the right path?  I cannot
say for sure, but I would not expect that behavior from the MS supplied
SETUP.exe bootstrapper.

Roy Chastain

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
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