Thank you for your answer.

Even the engine is very important, I think it is a bit annoying when we cannot 
display the current msi name during the progress. We are starting to use burn 
now in our official releases and I hope you could raise the priority of this 

Synopsis: The package name is not updated during the installation progress
Description: The ProgressPackageName variable (in "[ProgressAction] : 
[ProgressPackageName]") is not updated during the installation progress even 
there are several packages to install. This happens also with other pages and 
variables on other pages. Sometimes changing the order of the variables fixes 
the problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Mensching [] 
Sent: 25. toukokuuta 2011 11:52
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] BA customisation

Yes, the wixstdba needs a lot of UI work to make it prettier and behave
better. If you look at the bugs open on Burn, you'll find the grand majority
of them are on Engine behavior. When there are fewer bugs in the Engine,
we'll start focusing on the BA. <smile/>

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:09 AM, Timo Viitaniemi <> wrote:

> Clarification to 1). I am talking about theme file (thm.xml in WixStdBA C++
> project) where the bundle's GUI is defined. So there is some bug with
> displaying variables.
> /Timo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timo Viitaniemi []
> Sent: 6. toukokuuta 2011 10:36
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] BA customisation
> Hi!
> I have been customising bootstrapper application and have faced some
> problems.
> 1) The current installation is not updated to variable
> [ProgressPackageName]. This causes that Progress does show only
> ProgressAction and not the package name.
> 2) BalExtension does not work. I would like to include some condition for
> launching the bundle, but the compiler does complain about <Condition...>
> even reference in project and file (xmlns:bal ="
>";>) should be ok.
> Any suggestions to overcome these issues?
> /Timo
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