In my following code it is always doing an ascii comparison. How can I do an 
integer comparision? I tried specifying Interger="Yes" for the Control Id but 
light gave a warning "warning LGHT1076 : ICE45: .." and later at run time 
installer failed with an error. Any pointers? Thank you.
          <Control Id ="NewTableSize" Type="MaskedEdit" X ="145" Y="80" 
Width="100" Height="14"
                   Property="NEWTABLESIZE" Text="[NewTableSizeTemplate]">

      <Property Id="NewTableSizeTemplate">

      <Property Id="MAXTABLESIZE" Value="0"/> 
      <Property Id="NEWTABLESIZE" Value="0"/>

      <!-- above properties are populated from one of the input dialog boxes 
from user -->

      <Publish Dialog="TableSizeDlg" Control="Next" Event="SpawnDialog" 
       <!-- how to do integer comparison instead of ascii -->

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