Check the event log to see if there are any messages where Source = Windows
File Protection. If so, have a look here

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Tissington [] 
Sent: 04 April 2011 09:05
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Why does my WiX 3.5 installer not copy files
tosystem 32 dir?

Have you tried running the msi with logging enabled and see what you get in
the log?

Msiexec /I package.msi /l*v log.txt

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob, Marcus [] 
Sent: 04 April 2011 08:55
Subject: [WiX-users] Why does my WiX 3.5 installer not copy files to system
32 dir?

My WiX (3.5) installer should copy the richtx32.ocx file to the
windows\system32 dir and register it by using some command line statements
but it does not work. The file is not copied to the folder.

<Directory Id="SystemFolder">

   <Component Id="ComponentName" Guid="someGUID">

      <File Source="someSourceFolder\richtx32.ocx" />



The problem occurs on XP and also on Win7 and yes, I have started the MSI as
admin user. In case the file is copied to another directory (eg. the program
files directory of my application), everything works fine.

The error occurs only with the system32 dir. I also tried it with another
.ocx file to see whether the problems lies within the file itself, but it
does not work either.


If I add a "test.txt" file to the component (which btw. has some more files
then only the richtx32.ocx) it suddenly works! But why does the installer
only copy all files if there is a different file than .ocx/.dll?? I don't
want to copy a dummy text file just to let it work... There must be a

Thanks in advance!

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