Are you deploying the C runtime, or something similar?  That can sometimes 
cause that issue.  If you 
skip the FilesInUse dialog you'll probably get prompted for a reboot, which is 
probably more of a pain.


On 01/04/2011 06:45, wrote:
> Thanks for help from Peter, Rob Hamflett and Rob Mensching!
> I have achieved detecting the process with "WixCloseApplications" and
> killing the process by "taskkill".
> But I still have an issue that when I try to uninstall it pops "FileInUse"
> dialog. But the application it indicates has no relationship with my
> application which is killed.
> So I want to disable this dialog to avoid confusing.
> Could anyone give me a help?
> Any comment is appreciated!
> 2011/3/31 Rob Mensching<>
>> WiX v3.5 also shipped with the RestartApplication element that allows you
>> to
>> add more files to the Restart Manager (which gives the user the option to
>> shut things down).
>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 2:12 AM, Peter Shirtcliffe<
>>> wrote:
>>> Agreed, it doesn't look like it can kill them forcibly but there is an
>>> option
>>> to set a property when it can't so that the installer can abort or prompt
>>> the
>>> user if the application doesn't close. It depends on whether the user is
>> in
>>> danger of losing any work if you terminate the process. There is still
>> the
>>> Files In Use dialog as a second line of defence too (although I have once
>>> seen a user ignore that and expect an uninstall to work without
>> rebooting).
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Rob Hamflett []
>>> Sent: 31 March 2011 09:59
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] [Wix-users] How can I kill process when
>> uninstall
>>> Can CloseApplication kill processes though?  It doesn't look like it can.
>>>   If
>>> you need to forcibly
>>> kill something you might need a custom action to run taskkill or some
>>> custom
>>> code that does the job.
>>> Rob
>>> On 31/03/2011 09:45, Peter Shirtcliffe wrote:
>>>> Look at the CloseApplication element in the util schema in the Wix
>>>> documentation.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: []
>>>> Sent: 31 March 2011 09:40
>>>> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>>>> Subject: [WiX-users] [Wix-users] How can I kill process when uninstall
>>>> Hi all
>>>> How can I achieve killing the process with the given name  when
>> uninstall
>>> my
>>>> application. Is there something that Wix can support that feature?
>>>> Thanks!
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