I have created a very simple re-pro project below.   What I notice is that on 
Windows 7 (I'm testing on a 64 bit OS), if I minimize the install Progress 
dialog box, then when the installation is finished, the install Finish dialog 
box would appear partially off screen (to the top left corner of the screen).  
This seems to happen on Windows 7 only.  It seems to be working fine on Windows 
Vista.  Has anyone seen this before?  Does anyone know of any way to fix this 
issue?  I'm using WiX 3.0.  Any help is appreciated.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'>
   <Product Id="{E499BE3B-623F-4425-9C54-322C0DAEF1EA}" Name="Issue Repro 
Project" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="Test Publisher" 

      <Package Manufacturer='Test Publisher' InstallerVersion='200' 
Compressed='no' />

      <Media Id="1"/>

      <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
         <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder'>
            <Directory Id='PublisherFolder' Name='Test Publisher'>
               <Directory Id='INSTALLLOCATION' Name='Issue Repro Project'>
                  <Component Id='Comp_Notepad_Exe' 
                     <File Source="C:\Windows\notepad.exe" DiskId='1' 
Compressed="no" ReadOnly="no" Name="test_notepad.exe" Id="notepad_exe" />

      <Feature Id='MainApplicationFeature' Title='Test Project' Level='1'>
         <ComponentRef Id='Comp_Notepad_Exe' />

      <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />


John Leung
Software Engineer

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