I've built an installer for a backend service which communicates with a 
database.   When the installer is run, the user selects the database from a 
list of detected databases on the network.

The person who is running the install may not have rights to  these databases 
so I give them the opportunity to give me another pair of credentials.    Is it 
okay to impersonate these
Credentials during the install.

To bemore specific,  in one of my install screens, I will have textboxes where 
they give me a user name and password that has access to these databases.
Before I start my executing my logic to create the database, I'm going to 
impersonate this username and password in a custom action and then create the 
database on the remote sql server.

I'm am familiar with the impersonating tag on the custom actions. I believe 
that applies to the current user who is running the install.  I need to 
impersonate a completely different user.

I looked through the other emails I've on the WIX distribution and have not 
seen any posts that could help me out ..

Anyone tackle something like this before ?

Thanks !


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