Just guess but what have you got Package/@InstallerVersion set to? I
think the password attribute wasn't used until Windows Installer v2 so
this would need to be at least "200".


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Burton [mailto:kev...@buyseasons.com] 
Sent: 25 January 2011 07:09
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Password?

I have some WiX code that from 2.0 that looks like:

                                   <Control Id="PasswordEdit"
Type="Edit" X="114" Y="62" Width="150" Height="18"
Property="SERVICEPASSWORD" Password="yes" /> This gives me a warning:

es\PropertiesDialog.wxs(30,0): warning LGHT1076: ICE45: Row
'PropertiesDlg.PasswordEdit' in table 'Control' has bits set in the
'Attributes' column that are not used in the schema of the package, but
are used in a later schema. Your package can run on systems where this
attribute has no effect.

If I change it to (removing the Password attribute):

                                   <Control Id="PasswordEdit"
Type="Edit" X="114" Y="62" Width="150" Height="18"

The warning goes away. What is the warning telling me? I would like a
password text field. What is the equivalent syntax for 3.0?

Thank you.

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