You don't show the code where you push the button that tests the connection.

-----Original Message-----
From: CoolBreeze [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 3:45 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Controlling the Next Button

Hi, I'm new to using Wix and I'm having some problems trying to control a
Next button I have. I took WixUI_Mondo.wxs and renamed it as well as
modified it to include a dialog for checking a database connection. Below is
a snippet of my modified WixUI_Mondo.wxs:

<Publish Dialog="CheckDbConnectionDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog"
<Publish Dialog="CheckDbConnectionDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"

Now within my CheckDbConnectionDlg.wxs I have a Next button that I'm trying
to control it's Enabled state via a property I set within a CustomAction.
Below is a snippet of my CheckDbConnectionDlg.wxs with the Next button I'm
trying to control.

<Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17"
      <Condition Action="disable">
           <![CDATA[CONTINUE <> "True]]>
      <Condition Action="enable">
           CONTINUE ="True"

Here is my custom action where I'm setting the property:

public static ActionResult TestSqlConnection(Session testSession)
     //If the connection is successful
     testSession["CONTINUE"] = "True";

      // Else set the session to False
     testSession["CONTINUE"] = "False";

And my Product.wxs
<UIRef Id="WixUI_CustomUI" />

<Binary Id="SqlCustomAction" SourceFile="SqlCustomAction.CA.dll" />
<CustomAction Id=CA_testSqlConnection" BinaryKey="SqlCustomAction"
DllEntry="TestSqlConnection" Execute="immediate" Return="check" />

   <Custom Action="CA_testSqlConnection" After="ExecuteAction" />

What happens is that when I get to the CheckDbConnectionDlg the Next button
is disabled as I want it to be, on that dialog I have a button that tests a
connection to a database and if it's good, I want the Next button to be
enabled so installation can proceed; otherwise, I want it to stay disabled.
If the connection succeeds it's not enabling the Next button, but it does if
I click Back and then Next.

Can someone tell me how to correct this?
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