I have a bunch of features. Some of them do not contain any file
resources, they're just there as a convenience to help the customer
get a few services up and running.


    <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="Mikromarc server"
ConfigurableDirectory="MIKROMARC3ROOT" Level="1" Absent="disallow"
      <ComponentRef Id="Dependencies"/>
      <Feature Id ="Messages" Title="Messages service"
Description="Registers the Messages service." Level="1">
        <ComponentRef Id="MsgExe"/>
      <Feature Id="Cbc" Title="Common borrower card"
Description="Registers the common borrower card service." Level="1"
TypicalDefault="install" InstallDefault="local">
        <ComponentRef Id="CbcExe"/>
      <Feature Id="MM2" Title="MM2 Conversion utility" Description="An
utility for converting old Mikromarc 2 databases." Level="2">
        <ComponentRef Id="MM2Convert"/>
        <ComponentRef Id="MM2ConvertCfg"/>

I expected that "MM2" would be deselected in the CustomizeDlg. And indeed it is.

What I do not understand is why the "Cbc" feature is not selected?

I thought that an even value for Level would deselect the item. This
seems to fly well with feature "MM2", but has no effect on the "Cbc"

I then tried filling its associated component with some proper files,
but no difference.
              <Component Id="CbcExe"
                <ServiceInstall ... />
                <ServiceControl ... />
is what I have there, but adding a <file> does not help. (The reason I
went down that path is that I have two <Component>s defined in this
fashion, so I suspected an optimizer realized they were very
similar... Given that <file> did not help, I guess this is not the


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