Hiya all,

Hope this messages goes thru... Tis my very first mailing list message :)

I am getting the dreaded "Another version of this application is already
installed" blah when trying to install a newer version of our software.

Its a minor upgrade, but it is in Beta so we prefer a reinstall, at least
for now, like a Major Install.

I found a suggestion that I create a bootstrapper for this, which I did (and
took the opportunity to add in some pre-requisites), but currently the
bootstrapper is simply executing the MSI as it was downloaded, without any
other parameters (as is correct since I have not configured it otherwise

What i need to know how to do, and cant figure out for the life of me, is
how to instead execute the following:

msiexec /i OurInstallerApp.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus

Any kick in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!

David Borneman
Senior Developer
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