Verbose log file should explain why they were left behind. By default, they
should have been removed.

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Wilson, Brian <
> wrote:

> Good Morning,
> I am very new to using WiX 3.5, and I think it is awesome so far.  I used
> Heat to create a fragment file and was able to access the fragment file in
> my main WXS file.  In the fragment file, there are entries to create
> registry values for some of the DLLs.  The MSI is created successfully, it
> installs, and the application runs correctly.  However, when I uninstall the
> application (I used Add/Remove Programs) the registry values are still in
> the registry.  Is there a way to remove these registry values?  Also, is
> there an easy way to remove them, since, there are a couple hundred values?
> Thank you,
> Brian Wilson
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