1) Does vsixinstaller.exe require elevation (and are you running it from an
elevated commandline)?
2) Do you elevate before starting MSI during your install?
3) Does vsixinstaller.exe use/require access to your user profile? Does that
profile access include process environment variables? Those can be quite
different between a commandline in an interactive session and a process
launched from a process started by a service running as SYSTEM.

-----Original Message-----
From: Will Sullivan [mailto:wsulli...@softdocs.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 5:38 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstalling VSIX fails as CustomAction, but
succeeds when run from cmd

Yes, I suck at wix.  Thanks for pointing that out.  Now, about my original
question?  Any ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: Blair [mailto:os...@live.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 12:13 AM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstalling VSIX fails as CustomAction, but
succeeds when run from cmd
Importance: Low

Environment vars?

-----Original Message-----
From: Will Sullivan [mailto:wsulli...@softdocs.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 2:47 PM
To: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Uninstalling VSIX fails as CustomAction, but succeeds
when run from cmd

Wondering if anyone has tried reversing a vsix install.

I have a custom action that runs on install, and the uninstall version which
runs on uninstall.  The install works perfectly, but the uninstall fails for
apparently no reason.

<CustomAction Id="InstallTemplates"
"[INSTALLDIR]\DerpTemplates.vsix" /q'/>
<CustomAction Id="UninstallTemplates"

         <Custom Action="InstallTemplates"
                 <![CDATA[NOT Installed]]>
         <Custom Action="UninstallTemplates"
                 <![CDATA[Installed AND NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE]]>

(they've been shortened down a bit of course).

The weird this is that although the uninstall fails, I have confirmed that
the command is 100% correct.  I ran the uninstall while logging.  In the
log, I copied out the command that the custom action reported it was going
to execute.  I then pasted that into a command shell and ran it.  It worked
without any issue.

I tried to turn off error checking in the custom action by adding
'Return="ignore"' but, while the uninstall didn't fail, the custom action
still didn't uninstall my templates.

Has anyone experience in this?  Why would my custom action fail in the
installer, however succeed when the command is executed outside of the MSI?

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