Edit the merge module in Orca/InstEd to have the correct value and save
it. You'll have to do this each time you update the merge module with a
new version.

-----Original Message-----
From: Devarajan, Mahesh IN BLR SISL [mailto:d.mah...@siemens.com] 
Sent: 22 November 2010 09:12
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Error During transform creation(warning TRCH1115 )

I have my base MSI created using wix 2.0 toolset, now I am trying to
create Patches for the same using WiX 3.0
At the time of transform creation I get the following warning

"warning TRCH1115 : The value '0' in table '_Validation', column
'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's validation information.
The decompiled output includes a best-effort representation of this

I noticed the "KeyColumn" value "0" is coming from a third party Merge
Module which I do not have any control.
How to solve this issue?

With best regards,
Mahesh D

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