Use a Launch Condition. If you can use a RegistrySearch to set a
Property when Chartfx is installed you can use that as your Condition
(remember to add "OR Installed" to the condition in case someone
installs your app then uninstalls Chartfx).

Palbinder Sandher 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Karthik Saligram [] 
Sent: 18 November 2010 13:16
Subject: [WiX-users] Launch conditons and Prerequisites


        I have developed a web set up in Wix.I need to check whether
Chartfx is installed or not while installing the web application.If
chartfx is not installed i need to  terminate installation.Should i
write a condition for it?How do i do that?any help is appreciated.

Thanks and Regards

Karthik J Saligram

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