Does Product A and Product B install to the same directory or different 

In the context of your question,  merge modules are merely collections 
of components that get merged into your installer.  The merge module no 
longer exists once merged.  Their components behave just like  any other 
components you authored directly into the installer.

Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
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----- Original Message ----
From: Tobias Erichsen <>
Sent: Fri, November 12, 2010 5:55:28 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Usage of Merge Module for multiple projects (updates etc.)

Hi everyone,

I have put a device-driver installation into a merge module to be used
in several MSI-installers for multiple applications using that driver.

The driver is always backwards-compatible (as is the installation), but
a newer application might be depending on the feature of the newer
driver version.

I have found lots of information about updates (major, minor...) concerning
MSI, but not a lot concerning how the update will behave with the

For example:
I have an MSI for Product "A" containing the merge-module of my driver with
version "1.0.0"
I have a second MSI for Product "B" containing the merge-module of my driver
with a newer version "1.1.3"

When someone is now installing Product "A" and he has already installed
Product "B" which contains
a newer version of my merge-module with the newer driver - will the newer
driver be overwritten
by the older version?  How can I prevent this?

Best regards,

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