Hi David

Thanks very much for your help. I agree with you that is the reason and it
seems only the bootstrap can resolve it.
I will try your script later.


2010/10/21 David Amey <da...@creative-engine.co.uk>

> Hi,
> I struggled with this concept a month back when I first started.
> You would want to use a bootstrapping tool (I use autoit) in order to apply
> the transform to the installer, instead of having a dialog within wix. As
> the transform happens at the launch of the msi.
> Below is some example code that you can compile in autoit, which I have
> created for this very purpose:
> ------------------------
> #cs
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  AutoIt Version:
>  Author:         David Amey
>  Script Function:
>        language selector utility to apply transform to msi, and add lcid
> value in registry.
> #ce
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; Script Start - Add your code below here
> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
> #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
> Opt('MustDeclareVars',1)
> Global $productName = "Enter a name here"
> Global $install, $cancel, $lang, $selected
> languageSelector()
> Func languageSelector()
>        Local $msg
>        GUICreate($productName,300, 110)
>        ;textBox
>        GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please select the language you would like to
> install",10,10)
>        ;combo box
>        $lang = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",15,40,180)
>        ;the "|" character enables you to list the languages in the combo
> box. the third element is the default selection for the combo box
>        GUICtrlSetData(-1,"English - UK|English -
> US|French|Italian","English - US")
>        ;install button
>        $install = GUICtrlCreateButton("Install",180,80,50)
>        ;cancel button
>        $cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel",240,80,50)
>        GUISetState(@SW_SHOW)
>        While 1
>                $msg = GUIGetMsg()
>                Select
>                        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
>                                Exit
>                        Case $msg = $install
>                                $selected = GUICtrlRead($lang)
>                                lcid()
>                                Exit
>                        Case $msg = $cancel
>                                Exit
>                EndSelect
>        WEnd
>        GUIDelete()
> EndFunc
> ;translates selected language into correct lcid value which is stored in
> registry (you may need as well)
> Func lcid()
>        ;there is prob a better way to do this translation process,
>        Local $code
>        ;dont currently have en-gb.mst
>        If $selected = "English - UK" Then
>                $selected = "2057"
>                $code = "en-gb"
>        ElseIf $selected = "English - US" Then
>                $selected = "1033"
>        ElseIf $selected = "French" Then
>                $selected = "1036"
>                $code = "fr-fr"
>        ElseIf $selected = "Italian" Then
>                $selected = "1040"
>                $code = "it-it"
>        EndIf
>        ;enters the lcid value in the registry.
> RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\YourInstaller","lcid","REG_SZ",$selected)
>        ;--if the selected language isn’t us English then it will apply a
> transform, if not, then it won't need a transform applied to it.
>        if $selected <> "1033" Then
>                RunWait('msiexec TRANSFORMS="' & @ScriptDir &
> '\'&$code&'.MST" /i"' & @ScriptDir & '\YourInstaller.msi"')
>        Else
>                ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & '\YourInstaller.msi')
>        EndIf
> EndFunc
> ------------------------------------- end of code
> Hope this helps.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lxy.su...@gmail.com [mailto:lxy.su...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 21 October 2010 10:07
> To: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] [Multiple- languanges support] Combox and
> Hi,
> I am a new commer of Wix and now I am trying to use a ComBox to support
> multiple languages when displaying the installer wizard.
> The value user choose can be passed to the property I set, but the issues
> is that how can I change the public property -TRANSFORMS to the .mst file I
> just choose?
> Is anyone have a better solution to do that?
> Thanks!
> Ps, I have already embeded the mst file into the msi, and the combox
> samples are as follows:
> *<**ComboBox Property="*TRANSFORMS *"**>*
> *<**ListItem Text="English" Value=":en-us.mst" />*
> **
> *<ListItem Text="Spanish" Value=":es-es.mst"** />*
> *<**ListItem Text="Japanese" Value="jp-jp.mst"** />*
> *</**ComboBox>*
> **
> <Dialog Id="LanguageChooseDialog" Height="97" Width="217" Title="Installer
> Language" NoMinimize="yes">
> *<**Control Id="LanguageChooseComboBox" Type="ComboBox" X="52" Y="48"
> Width= "156" Height="10" ComboList="yes" Property="***TRANSFORMS ***"
> Sorted="no"
> RightToLeft="yes"**>*
> *<**Text>English</Text**>*
> *</**Control**>*
> --
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