This is something I've been meaning to tackle as I make extensive ( and I mean 
really extensive ) use of Product Configurations and Release Flags in 
InsallShield.    Basically with WiX you have to break everything out into 
fragments and then instead of using release flags you use FeatureRef and 
FeatureGroupRef elements to pull various features into your installer.  I think 
in the end you'll end up having individual wxs files for each product 
configuration that define the bare minimum variation points such as 
INSTALLLOCATION in WiX UI ) , UpgradeCode, ProductCode ( I generate these at 
build time since I always do major upgrades ).

I can basically see it in my mind but I haven't taken the final step yet to 
actually do it on a large scale and see the pain points.   Currently I use WiX 
to generate close to 1000 merge modules and then use WiX fragements with some 
custom code to transform them into InstallShield Automation Interface calls.    
Basically I take a template Basic MSI and build up the feature tree and product 
configuration at build time using wxs files.  My next step will be to create a 
pure wix version of this; I just don't have it on my roadmap yet.

Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
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attention? E-Mail Me

----- Original Message ----
From: akshi_gupta <>
Sent: Fri, August 20, 2010 7:32:44 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Release feature of Installshield in WIX

Hi All,

I have a couple of questions regarding WIX. How can I have multiple
releases(like in Installshield) with one project? Also is it possible to
specify any property like PRODUCTCODE during building the project?

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