I am using the IIS extensions to create a Vdir in IIS 6. The trouble is I need 
the vdir to be in a folder path like this:


And only the last directory (19) should be the actual vir. To get a path like 
that though I have to make the higher directories vdirs too, like this:

              <iis:WebVirtualDir Id="ServiceVdir" WebSite="DefaultWebSite" 
Directory="ServiceDirectory" Alias="$(var.ServiceName)">
                <iis:WebVirtualDir Id="YearVdir" Directory="YearDirectory" 
                  <iis:WebVirtualDir Id="MonthVdir" Directory="MonthDirectory" 
                    <iis:WebVirtualDir Id="DayVdir" Directory="INSTALLLOCATION" 

 Is there a way to specify a path like this but with the higher directories 
just treated as folders (without the vdir icon)? I tried just removing the 
upper vdirs and leaving just the last one but it creates a web app at 
contoso.com/19. I can't put "/" in the alias as that is not allowed. I have not 
been able to use the WebDir element for this because I can't put a vdir inside 

The reason I need to do this is that I also have another web app at 
Contoso.com/name/2010/07/09 and when I uninstall the new app(with vdir 19) it 
removes the web app from the old one at 09 too.

Any suggestions?



Robert Jarratt
Senior Consultant
Microsoft Consulting Services
Microsoft Ltd.
Tel.: +44 (118) 909 4923
email: mailto:rjarr...@microsoft.com
blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/mcsuksoldev

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