The issue is a combination of these things:
 * Win64="yes|no" does not apply across executable launch; it's only
relevant for in-process actions (dll, script)
 * Your executable tries to guess where things are instead of being
passed a value on the command-line
 * Your executable takes on the bit-ness of the platform on which it
is installed

So I'd actually recommend fixing both of the second points. If you're
trying to distribute it as if it's 32-bit, make it 32-bit by changing
the project options. Then also, instead of guessing the installation
path, make it a command-line argument that is passed in by the custom
action. Fixing either will likely resolve your behavior, but fixing
both feels cleaner to me.

Michael Urman

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 04:45, Chirag Goradia <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We are running custom EXEs ( .NET 2.0 console application ) built with "Any
> CPU" platform from a 32bit MSI on 64bit machine.
> In the custom EXE, we use *
> Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)* to execute
> some custom logic on our files installed in the ProgramFiles folder path.
> The issue is on 64bit machine:
> 32bit MSI installs files to C:\Program Files (x86)\
> custom EXE runs logic in C:\Program Files\  ... we think this is because it
> was built for "Any CPU" platform
> In the <CustomAction > node, we tried to set Win64="no" so that it runs the
> custom EXE as if it were on 32bit machine. However, still the custom EXE
> runs logic in C:\Program Files\  instead of C:\Program Files (x86)\
> Do you have any suggestions ?
> Thanks
> Chirag
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