If you write an immediate custom action to schedule deferred and rollback 
actions, then you've already used up 3 slots right there for one logical custom 
action. Add an equivalent set of 3 actions for uninstall and you've consumed a 
total of 6 slots for a single logical operation pair.

I personally hope that 16 was only an arbitrary choice and that it can be 
increased to a much higher number. Luckily I've been fortunate enough to get 
away with much simpler one-off custom actions thus far...

Edwin G. Castro
Software Developer - Staff
Electronic Banking Services
Office: 503-746-0643
Fax: 503-617-0291
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob McCready [mailto:rmccready...@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:30 PM
> To: WiX-users
> Subject: [WiX-users] DTF limit on number of CA EntryPoints?
> I ran into the following error today with a DTF Custom Action assembly I am
> working on.
> The custom action assembly has 17 entrypoints, which is more than the maximum
> (16).
> Refactor the custom actions or add more entrypoint slots in
> SfxCA\EntryPoints.h.
> I grabbed the latest copy of the 3.5 source code and was able to "fix" this by
> adding 16 more entries, but I wanted to see if the limit of 16 was a random
> choice, or is there a reason behind it? Would there be any problem upping the
> limit to something much higher like 128?
> I'd prefer to not have to maintain our own fork of the DTF tools just for
> this, but having to split out multiple projects to provide custom actions
> doesn't make much sense to me unless I'm missing a real problem with having
> too many in one assembly.
> Thanks,
> Rob.
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