Does the driver uninstall put an entry into PendingFileRenameOperations
in the registry?

If so you could check this key is clean before running the install, I
have implmemented this in the past.


-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Larsen [mailto:slar...@vmware.com] 
Sent: 07 July 2010 17:55
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Require reboot before re-installation

Could someone suggest a method for forcing a reboot after an uninstall
before another install is permitted?  I have the following problem: My
installer installs a device driver.  An uninstall correctly removes the
driver from the filesystem.  If I re-install before rebooting, the
re-installation seems to go smoothly and the driver is re-installed.  On
the next reboot, however, it looks like the driver is removed from the
filesystem, which ultimately causes a crash.  I don't understand the
mechanism for this deletion.  It seems that the uninstall marks the file
for delete on the next boot and this 'flag' is not cleared when the file
is replaced during the installation.  One workaround would be to prevent
re-installation after uninstall until there is a reboot.  Can anyone
offer any advice?

- Sam

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