dark.exe can decompile an existing MSI but the output from it is overly
complex & includes everything in every table in the MSI (including UI
which often you don't want/need as the WiX UI will be more than
sufficient). It also doesn't "clean up" the code it decompiles so you
will find a lot of RegistryKey/RegistryValue entries for stuff which is
done in other ways in WiX which you'll need to do yourself.

Another way you could "decompile" an MSI would be to run an
administrative install then use heat.exe on the extracted binaries.
You'd still need to look at the MSI somehow to find out what the
non-file related changes it makes to the system are.

If it's not an MSI then you need some way of either converting it to an
MSI or harvesting the information. If I had to, I would get a clean VM,
install the app then diff system against your known baseline. You can
diff the registry using regshot (see ->
http://sourceforge.net/projects/regshot/) to see what changes it makes
to the registry as normal diff tools tend to only concern themselves
with files & folders. Stuff like COM Registration you don't want to know
about from the installer, heat.exe will generate code for you far
quicker & cleaner.

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment & IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

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-----Original Message-----
From: Thorpe, Alan [mailto:atho...@bottomline.com] 
Sent: 07 July 2010 14:39
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Tools to generate WiX installer from a snapshot of

Are there tools to monitor an installation and then generate a
WiX-compatible project/wxs?


An example of the need for this is to monitor the execution of an old
installer that is not in MSI format with a goal to convert that
installation to a WiX project which can be used to generate an MSI
installer. This would be especially helpful in the conversion from old
installer technologies to the latest MSI.


I'm not thinking about "probing" the installer (there are probably
hundreds of different installers out there), but actually monitoring the
target system for registry changes, file drops, COM registrations, etc.

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