Thanks Palbinder. On the summary info, the platform property is set to x64.
The verbose log doesn't show any errors: Generating database. Merging modules. Validating database. ICE01: ICE01 - Simple ICE that doesn't test anything ICE01: Created 04/29/1998. Last Modified 08/17/1998. ICE01: Called at 14:16:00. ICE02: ICE02 - ICE to test circular references in File and Component tables ICE02: Created 05/18/1998. Last Modified 10/12/1998. ICE03: ICE03 - ICE to perform data validation and foreign key references ICE03: Created 05/19/1998. Last Modified 10/03/2001. ICE04: ICE04 - ICE to validate File table sequences according to Media table ICE04: Created 05/19/1998. Last Modified 09/24/1998. ICE04: Max Sequence in Media Table is 1 ICE05: ICE05 - ICE to validate that required data exists in certain tables. ICE05: Created 05/20/1998. Last Modified 01/26/1999. ICE06: ICE06 - ICE that looks for missing columns in database tables ICE06: Created 05/20/1998. Last Modified 02/18/1999. ICE07: ICE07 - ICE that ensures that fonts are installed to the fonts folder. Only checked if you have a Font table ICE07: Created 05/21/1998. Last Modified 02/18/1999. ICE08: ICE08 - Checks for duplicate GUIDs in Component table ICE08: Created 05/21/98. Last Modified 10/08/98. ICE09: ICE09 - Checks for components whose Directory is the System directory but aren't set as system components ICE09: Created 05/21/98. Last Modified 10/09/2000. ICE10: ICE10 - ICE that ensures that advertise states of feature childs and parents match ICE10: Created 05/22/1998. Last Modified 10/02/2000. ICE11: ICE11 - ICE that validates the Product Code of a nested install (advertised MSI) custom action type ICE11: Created 05/22/1998. Last Modified 08/17/1998. ICE12: ICE12 - ICE that validates the Property type custom actions ICE12: Created 05/29/1998. Last Modified 01/14/2000. ICE13: ICE13 - ICE that validates that no dialogs are listed in the *ExecuteSequence tables ICE13: Created 06/08/1998. Last Modified 08/17/1998. ICE14: ICE14 - ICE that ensures that Feature_Parents do not have the ifrsFavorParent attribute set ICE14: Created 06/08/1998. Last Modified 01/27/1999. ICE15: ICE15 - ICE that ensures that a circular reference exists between the Mime and Extension tables ICE15: Created 06/11/1998. Last Modified 01/05/1999. ICE16: ICE16 - ICE that ensures that the ProductName in the Property table is less than 64 characters ICE16: Created 06/11/1998. Last Modified 10/03/2001. ICE17: ICE17 - ICE that validates foreign key dependencies based upon control types in the Control table. ICE17: Created 06/16/1998. Last Modified 12/21/2004. ICE18: ICE18 - ICE that validates the nulled KeyPath columns of the Component table. ICE18: Created 06/18/1998. Last Modified 03/24/1999. ICE19: ICE19 - ICE that validates that ComponentIDs and KeyPaths for advertising. ICE19: Created 06/18/1998. Last Modified 01/21/1999. ICE20: ICE20 - ICE that validates for Standard Dialogs if UI is authored. ICE20: Created 06/25/1998. Last Modified 10/04/1998. ICE21: ICE21 - ICE that validates that all components reference a feature. ICE21: Created 06/29/1998. Last Modified 03/02/1999. ICE22: ICE22 - ICE that validates that the feature and component referenced by a PublishedComponent actually map. ICE22: Created 06/29/1998. Last Modified 03/02/1999. ICE23: ICE23 - ICE that validates the tab order of all dialogs. ICE23: Created 07/02/1998. Last Modified 01/17/2000. ICE24: ICE24 - ICE that validates specific properties in the Property table. ICE24: Created 07/15/1998. Last Modified 01/15/2004. ICE25: ICE25 - ICE that validates module dependencies/exclusions. ICE25: Created 07/20/1998. Last Modified 08/31/1998. ICE26: ICE26 - ICE that validates required and prohibited actions in the Sequence tables. ICE26: Created 08/13/1998. Last Modified 04/06/1999. ICE27: ICE27 - ICE that validates sequence table organization and sequence table dependencies. ICE27: Created 08/04/1998. Last Modified 04/22/1999. ICE27: AdminExecuteSequence TABLE: Validating organization. . . ICE27: AdminExecuteSequence TABLE: Validating sequence of actions and dependencies. . . ICE27: AdminUISequence TABLE: Validating organization. . . ICE27: AdminUISequence TABLE: Validating sequence of actions and dependencies. . . ICE27: AdvtExecuteSequence TABLE: Validating organization. . . ICE27: AdvtExecuteSequence TABLE: Validating sequence of actions and dependencies. . . ICE27: AdvtUISequence table not found, skipping. . . ICE27: InstallExecuteSequence TABLE: Validating organization. . . ICE27: InstallExecuteSequence TABLE: Validating sequence of actions and dependencies. . . ICE27: InstallUISequence TABLE: Validating organization. . . ICE27: InstallUISequence TABLE: Validating sequence of actions and dependencies. . . ICE28: ICE28 - ICE that validates actions that can't be separated by ForceReboot. ICE28: Created 08/13/1998. Last Modified 10/27/1998. ICE29: ICE29 - ICE that validates stream names. ICE29: Created 08/11/1998. Last Modified 10/27/1998. ICE29: Stream Column Found In Binary Table ICE30: ICE30 - ICE that detects cross-component file collisions. ICE30: Create 08/25/1998. Last Modified 06/26/2001. ICE30: Resolving Component Paths... ICE30: Checking for colliding files... ICE31: ICE31 - ICE to verify that controls use valid text styles. ICE31: Created 07/24/1998. Last Modified 01/21/2005. ICE32: ICE32 - Confirms that keys and foreign keys are the same type/size ICE32: Created 07/30/98. Last Modified 10/08/98. ICE32: Registry table is not in database, but is listed in the _Validation table as a foreign key of Component.KeyPath ICE32: ODBCDataSource table is not in database, but is listed in the _Validation table as a foreign key of Component.KeyPath ICE32: Differences found = ICE34: ICE34 - ICE to verify that all radio groups have a default. ICE34: Created 08/06/1998. Last Modified 10/27/1998. ICE35: ICE35 - ICE that validates that compressed files are not set RFS, and ensures they have CABs. ICE35: Created 08/18/1998. Last Modified 10/17/2000. ICE36: ICE36 - ICE that flags unused icons in the icon table, increasing performance. ICE36: Created 08/17/1998. Last Modified 01/17/2000. ICE38: ICE38 - ICE that verifes that components in the user profile use HKCU reg entries as KeyPaths. ICE38: Created 08/28/1998. Last Modified 01/17/2000. ICE39: ICE39 - ICE that validates summary information stream properties. ICE39: Created 09/03/1998. Last Modified 02/09/2006. ICE40: ICE40 - ICE that checks various miscellaneous problems. ICE40: Created 09/07/1998. Last Modified 12/02/2000. ICE41: ICE41 - ICE that verifes that Feature/Component references are valid in advertising tables. ICE41: Created 09/08/1998. Last Modified 09/11/1998. ICE42: ICE42 - ICE that verifes arguments and context values in the Class Table. ICE42: Created 09/10/1998. Last Modified 07/21/1999. ICE43: ICE43 - ICE that verifes non-advertised shortucts are in components with HKCU keypaths. ICE43: Created 09/27/1998. Last Modified 01/17/2000. ICE44: ICE44 - ICE that verifes Dialog events refer to valid Dialog entries. ICE44: Created 09/28/1998. Last Modified 09/30/1998. ICE45: ICE45 - ICE that verifes reserved bits are not set in attributes columns. ICE45: Created 10/01/1998. Last Modified 06/15/1999. ICE46: ICE46 - ICE that checks for property usage where the property differs only by case from a defined property. ICE46: Created 10/14/1998. Last Modified 10/02/2000. ICE47: ICE47 - ICE that checks for features with more than 800 components. ICE47: Created 10/20/1998. Last Modified 03/17/1999. ICE48: ICE48 - ICE that checks for directories that are hardcoded to local drives. ICE48: Created 10/26/1998. Last Modified 10/26/1998. ICE49: ICE49 - ICE that checks for non-REG_SZ default registry entries. ICE49: Created 10/27/1998. Last Modified 10/27/1998. ICE50: ICE50 - ICE that verifies the icon extension matches the shortcut target extension. ICE50: Created 10/27/1998. Last Modified 10/29/1998. ICE51: ICE51 - ICE to verify that only TTC/TTF fonts are missing titles. ICE51: Created 10/28/1998. Last Modified 10/28/1998. ICE52: ICE52 - ICE to verify that APPSearch properties are public properties. ICE52: Created 11/16/1998. Last Modified 11/16/1998. ICE53: ICE53 - ICE to verify that registry entries do not overwrite private installer data. ICE53: Created 11/19/1998. Last Modified 07/21/1999. ICE54: ICE54 - ICE to check that Component KeyPaths are not companion files. ICE54: Created 12/07/1998. Last Modified 12/07/1998. ICE55: ICE55 - ICE to check that LockPermission objects exist and have valid permissions. ICE55: Created 12/14/1998. Last Modified 12/14/1998. ICE56: ICE56 - ICE to check that the Directory structure has a single, valid, root. ICE56: Created 12/15/1998. Last Modified 03/29/1999. ICE57: ICE57 - Checks that components contain per-machine or per-user data, but not both. ICE57: Created 02/11/1999. Last Modified 01/17/2000. ICE58: ICE58 - ICE to ensure that you have fewer than 80 entries in the Media table. ICE58: Created 04/08/1999. Last Modified 12/02/2000. ICE59: ICE59 - ICE to ensure that advertised shortcut targets install the component of the shortcut. ICE59: Created 04/08/1999. Last Modified 04/08/1999. ICE60: ICE60 - Verifies that files in the file table which are not fonts have a valid version/language. ICE60: Created 04/13/1999. Last Modified 10/26/2000. ICE61: Created 05/03/1999. Last Modified 04/19/2001 ICE61: Verifies various elements of the Upgrade table ICE61: Table: 'Upgrade' missing. This product is not enabled for upgrading so ICE61 is not necessary. ICE62: ICE62 - Performs a wide variety of IsolatedComponent checks. ICE62: Created 06/03/1999. Last Modified 06/21/1999. ICE63: ICE63 - Validates sequence restrictions on RemoveExistingProducts ICE63: Created 06/04/1999. Last Modified 07/21/1999. ICE64: ICE64 - Checks that Profile directories are listed in the RemoveFile table. ICE64: Created 06/07/1999. Last Modified 01/17/2000. ICE65: ICE65 - Checks that the Environment table does not have invalid prefix or append values. ICE65: Created 06/11/1999. Last Modified 06/21/1999. ICE67: ICE67 - Validates that shortcuts are installed by the component of their target. ICE67: Created 06/17/1999. Last Modified 06/21/1999. ICE68: ICE68 - Checks that all custom actions are of a valid type. ICE68: Created 06/22/1999. Last Modified 04/19/2001. ICE69: ICE69 - Checks for possible cross-component references with [$component] and [#filekey] literals in formatted string that could result in error ICE69: Created 06/22/1999. Last Modified 01/24/2006. ICE70: ICE70 - Checks that the characters following a # in a registry value are numeric ICE70: Created 07/14/1999. Last Modified 07/21/1999. ICE71: ICE71 - Verifies that the first media table entry starts with 1 ICE71: Created 08/02/1999. Last Modified 08/02/1999. ICE72: ICE72 - Verifies that only built-in custom actions are used in the AdvtExecuteSequence table ICE72: Created 10/11/1999. Last Modified 10/11/1999. ICE73: ICE73 - Verifies that the package does not reuse package and product codes of Windows Installer SDK packages ICE73: Created 10/28/1999. Last Modified 11/13/2002. ICE74: ICE74 - ICE to ensure that the FASTOEM property does not exist in the database. ICE74: Created 01/14/2000. Last Modified 01/14/2000. ICE75: ICE75 - ICE to ensure that custom actions whose source is an installed file are sequenced after CostFinalize. ICE75: Created 02/08/2000. Last Modified 02/08/2000. ICE76: ICE76 - ICE to ensure that files associated with SFP catalogs are not in the BindImage table. ICE76: Created 02/25/2000. Last modified 04/11/2000. ICE77: ICE77 - ICE to ensure that inscript custom actions are scheduled between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize. ICE77: Created 07/05/2000. Last modified 07/05/2000. ICE78: ICE78 - Verifies that AdvtUISequence table either does not exist or is empty. ICE78: Created 8/29/2000. Last Modified 8/29/2000. ICE79: ICE79 - Verifies that references to component and feature in conditions are valid. ICE79: Created 10/24/2000. Last Modified 05/22/2001. ICE80: ICE80 - Verifies that various Template Summary Properties are correct. ICE80: Created 01/17/2001. Last Modified 06/26/2001. ICE81: ICE81 - MsiDigitalCertificate, MsiDigitalSignature, and MsiPatchCertificate table validator. ICE81: Created 04/04/2001. Last Modified 12/21/2004. ICE82: ICE82 - InstallExecuteSequence validator and warns if the executeSequence tables found to use a sequence number more than once.` ICE82: Created 04/10/2001. Last Modified 04/10/2001. ICE83: ICE83 - MsiAssembly table and MsiAssemblyName table validator. ICE83: Created 04/10/2001. Last Modified 04/10/2001. ICE84: ICE84 - Verify that all required actions in sequence tables are condition-less. ICE84: Created 05/04/2001. Last Modified 05/04/2001. ICE85: ICE85 - Verify that the SourceName column of MoveFile table is a valid LFN WildCardFilename. ICE85: Created 05/14/2001. Last Modified 05/14/2001. ICE86: ICE86 - Post warning for the use of AdminUser instead of Privileged property in conditions. ICE86: Created 05/18/2001. Last Modified 05/22/2001. ICE87: ICE87 - Verifies that some properties that shouldn't be authored into the Property table are not. ICE87: Created 05/29/2001. Last Modified 05/29/2001. ICE88: ICE88 - Verifies that some properties that shouldn't be authored into the Property table are not. ICE88: Created 05/29/2001. Last Modified 05/29/2001. ICE89: ICE89 - Verifies that the Progid_Parent column in ProgId table is a valid foreign key into the ProgId column. ICE89: Created 06/06/2001. Last Modified 06/06/2001. ICE90: ICE90 - Warns user of cases where a shortcut's directory is a public property (ALL CAPS) that is under a profile directory. This results in a problem if the value of the ALLUSERS property changes in the UI sequence. ICE90: Created 06/08/2001. Last Modified 06/08/2001. ICE91: ICE91 - Warns user of cases where a file (or INI entry, shortcut) is explicitly installed into a per-user profile directory that doesn't vary based on the ALLUSERS value. These files will not be copied into each user's profile. ICE91: Created 06/11/2001. Last Modified 06/11/2001. ICE92: ICE92 - Verifies that a component marked permanent has a GUID and does not have supersedence attribute marked. ICE92: Created 06/12/2001. Last Modified 04/23/2007. ICE93: ICE93 - Verifies that a custom action doesn't use the same name as a standard action. ICE93: Created 06/13/2001. Last Modified 06/13/2001. ICE94: ICE94 - Verifies that there are no non-advertised shortcuts to assembly files in the global assembly cache. ICE94: Created 06/18/2001. Last Modified 06/18/2001. ICE95: ICE95 - Verifies that Billboard control items fit into all the Billboards. ICE95: Created 06/19/2001. Last Modified 06/19/2001. ICE96: ICE96 - Verifies that PublishFeatures and PublishProduct actions are authored in AdvtExecuteSequence table. ICE96: Created 07/20/2001. Last Modified 07/20/2001. ICE97: ICE97 - Verifies that 2 components do not isolate a shared component to the same directory ICE97: Created 09/26/2002. Last Modified 09/26/2002. ICE98: ICE98 - Verifies that DSNs using the ODBCDataSource table do not contain invalid characters nor do they exceed the maximum length. ICE98: Created 06/02/2004. Last Modified 06/02/2004. ICE99: ICE99 - Verifies that names in the Directory table are not part of the set of MSI Public Properties ICE99: Created 06/18/2004. Last Modified 06/18/2004. ICE100: ICE100 - Validates the MsiEmbeddedUI Table, checking for duplicate filenames and validity of order values, attributes, etc. ICE100: Created 04/02/2007. Last Modified 04/02/2007. Laying out media. Cordialement / Best regards, Gernot -----Message d'origine----- De : Pally Sandher [] Envoyé : Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:03 PM À : General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. Objet : Re: [WiX-users] 64 bit app installing in Program Files (x86) folder Check a verbose log? Is your MSI built for the x64 platform? Open it in InstEd/Orca & check the Summary Info. The Platform property should be set to x64 or AMD64 (both are the same thing, latter is deprecated by the former). Palbinder Sandher Software Deployment & IT Administrator T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 **Design, Simulate + Innovate with the <Virtual Environment>** Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited. Registered in Scotland No. SC151456 Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow G20 0SP Email Disclaimer -----Original Message----- From: Gernot Kerger [] Sent: 07 July 2010 12:50 To: Subject: [WiX-users] 64 bit app installing in Program Files (x86) folder I modified WixAdvancedSample.wxs to build for 64 bit arch. Unfortunately, it's installing on the 32 Program files folder: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Wix xmlns=""> <Product Id="49d75c41-17e3-48ed-9f4f-e65cedd3285e" UpgradeCode="5b2d91c2-6c8f-4224-87af-71766b037ae4" Name="Acme Sample Application" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="Acme Software Ltd."> <Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" Platform="x64" /> <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" /> <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"> <Directory Id="ProgramFiles64Folder"> <!-- must be named APPLICATIONFOLDER --> <Directory Id="APPLICATIONFOLDER" Name="[ApplicationFolderName]" FileSource=".\"> <Component Id="ProductComponent" Guid="70bcba1f-19a8-41b3-bc25-15a2648907e6" Win64="yes" > <File Id="f1" Name="SampleFile.txt" /> </Component> </Directory> </Directory> </Directory> <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="Main Feature" Level="1"> <ComponentRef Id="ProductComponent" /> </Feature> <Property Id="ApplicationFolderName" Value="Acme Sample Application" /> <Property Id="WixAppFolder" Value="WixPerUserFolder" /> <UIRef Id="WixUI_Advanced" /> <UI /> </Product> </Wix> What is missing? Cordialement / Best regards, Gernot ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ This email is sponsored by Sprint What will you do first with EVO, the first 4G phone? Visit -- _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This email is sponsored by Sprint What will you do first with EVO, the first 4G phone? Visit -- _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This email is sponsored by Sprint What will you do first with EVO, the first 4G phone? Visit -- _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list