If the file is installed as part of your installation you can simply use
it's Id as a Property e.g. [#foo.config] if you set Id="foo.config" in
it's File element (see ->
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368609.aspx). Use that
Property as the path for either XMLConfig or XMLFile to make your
changes to the file.

If it's put on the target machine by some other means & you can locate
the file using normal methods such as RegistrySearch
(http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/wix_xsd_directorysearch.htm) or
(http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/wix_xsd_filesearch.htm) then do
so to set your Property for XMLConfig/XMLFile. You will need no Custom
Actions in either of these cases which should make your code much more

If you can't locate the file using normal methods then a Custom Action
which sets a Property containing the path to the file is your only

How is this file installed on the target system initially? If it's by
another product you can usually use a RegistrySearch to find something
like the InstallLocation & extrapolate the rest of the path from there.
If you're really lucky & the other products authors thought about this
ahead of time there may be a standard registry key set by their
installer for you to grab the location from.

Avoid using Custom Actions unless you have no other option.

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment & IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

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-----Original Message-----
From: Stelios Kyprou [mailto:stelios.kyp...@formicary.net] 
Sent: 07 July 2010 11:34
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Editing config files after installation

I suppose this question was asked before, but i couldn't find a clear
answer for it:

When an installer runs on the target machine, and installs all the files
in the InstallDir, i would like to carry some extra actions.
-Get a config file that was installed, i.e foo.config.
-Modify that file (which is in xml format), by adding some values in the
key/value pairs.

Now as far as i know from the search i've done, i can only do this after
InstallFinalize, because that is when the files are showing in the

What is the ideal way of doing this?
-are there built in wix methods to grab foo.config?
-should i use the "util:XmlFile" tag for the editing?
-what are the general steps for doing this process? e.g put all the
steps in a custom action and call it after InstallFinalize?

Thanks in advance,

Stelios Kyprou
Systems Engineer
Formicary - delivering quality financial technology solutions(TM)

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